// ==UserScript== // @name [Bilibili] 关注管理器 // @namespace ckylin-bilibili-foman // @version 0.2.20 // @description 快速排序和筛选你的关注列表,一键取关不再关注的UP等 // @author CKylinMC // @supportURL https://github.com/CKylinMC/UserJS // @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/429720-cktools/code/CKTools.js?version=1034581 // @include http://space.bilibili.com/* // @include https://space.bilibili.com/* // @connect api.bilibili.com // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @grant GM_getResourceText // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_removeValue // @grant unsafeWindow // @license GPL-3.0-only // @compatible chrome 80+ // @compatible firefox 74+ // ==/UserScript== (function () { 'use strict'; const s = { get(key, def) { const val = GM_getValue('autoExtendInfo'); if (typeof (val) == 'undefined' || val === null) return def; return val; }, set(key, val) { GM_setValue('autoExtendInfo', val); }, del(key) { if (typeof (GM_removeValue) == 'function') GM_removeValue(key); else GM_setValue(key, undefined); } }; const datas = { status: 0, total: 0, fetched: 0, pages: 0, followings: [], mappings: {}, dommappings: {}, checked: [], tags: {}, self: 0, isSelf: false, currUid: 0, fetchstat: "OK", currInfo: { black: -1, follower: -1, following: -1, mid: -1, whisper: -1, }, preventUserCard: false, settings: { get autoExtendInfo() { return s.get('autoExtendInfo', true); }, set autoExtendInfo(val) { s.set('autoExtendInfo', val); }, get lazyRenderForList() { return s.get('lazyRenderForList', true); }, set lazyRenderForList(val) { s.set('lazyRenderForList', val); }, get batchOperationDelay() { return s.get('batchOperationDelay', .5); }, set batchOperationDelay(val) { s.set('batchOperationDelay', val); }, } }; const cfg = { debug: false, retrial: 3, enableNewModules: false, VERSION: "0.2.18 Beta", infobarTemplate: ()=>`共读取 ${datas.fetched} 条关注`, titleTemplate: () => `

关注管理器 FoMan v${cfg.VERSION} ${cfg.debug ? "debug" : ""}

`, // Turn this on will abort all alerts. I_KNOW_WHAT_IM_DOING: false } const get = q => document.querySelector(q); const getAll = q => document.querySelectorAll(q); const wait = t => new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, t)); const batchDelay = async () => await wait(datas.settings.batchOperationDelay*1000); const log = (...m) => cfg.debug && console.log('[FoMan]', ...m); const mdi = (name, asHTML=true, px = '10', extras = []) => { const i = CKTools.domHelper('i', { classnames: ['mdi',`mdi-${name}`, `mdi-${px}px`, ...extras], text:' ' }); return asHTML ? i.outerHTML : i; }; const getSelfId = async () => { let stat = unsafeWindow.UserStatus; let retrial = 20; while (stat === null || stat === undefined) { if (--retrial < 0) return 0; log("Waiting for userstatus...") await wait(200); } if (!stat.userInfo.isLogin) { log("NOT LOGIN"); return -1 } log("User:", stat.userInfo.mid, stat.userInfo); return stat.userInfo.mid; }; async function copy(txt = '') { try { await navigator.clipboard.writeText(txt); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } } function download(filename, text) { var element = document.createElement('a'); element.setAttribute('href', 'data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(text)); element.setAttribute('download', filename); element.style.display = 'none'; document.body.appendChild(element); element.click(); document.body.removeChild(element); } const makeDom = async (domname, func = () => { }) => { if(CKTools.domHelper) return CKTools.domHelper(domname, func); const d = document.createElement(domname); if(typeof(func)=='function') func.constructor.name=='AsyncFunction' ? await func(d) : func(d); return d; }; const isHardCoreMember = d => d.is_senior_member ===1; const isFans = d => d.attribute === 6; const isWhisper = d => d.attribute === 1; const isNearly = d => { const nearly = (new Date).getTime() - (60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 4 * 3 * 1000); return parseInt(d + "000") > nearly; } const isLongAgo = (d) => { const loneAgo = (new Date).getTime() - (60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 4 * 12 * 2 * 1000); return parseInt(d + "000") < loneAgo; } /* StackOverflow 10730362 */ const getCookie = (name) => { const value = `; ${document.cookie}`; const parts = value.split(`; ${name}=`); if (parts.length === 2) return parts.pop().split(';').shift(); } const getCSRFToken = () => getCookie("bili_jct"); const getBgColor = () => {/*兼容blbl进化的夜间模式*/ try { let color = getComputedStyle(document.body).backgroundColor; if (color === "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)") return "white"; else return color; } catch (e) { return "white" } } const getCurrentUid = async () => { setInfoBar("正在查询当前用户UID"); let paths = location.pathname.split('/'); if (paths.length > 1) { return paths[1]; } else throw "Failed to get current ID"; }; const getHeaders = () => { return { "user-agent": unsafeWindow.navigator.userAgent, "cookie": unsafeWindow.document.cookie.split('; ').map(it=>it.split("=")).map(it=>it.map(i=>i.match(/[^\x00-\x7F]/gm)?encodeURIComponent(i):i)).map(it=>it.join("=")).join(", "), "origin": "space.bilibili.com", "referer": "https://www.bilibili.com/" } }; const getUInfoURL = uid => `https://api.bilibili.com/x/space/acc/info?mid=${uid}`; const getGroupURL = () => `https://api.bilibili.com/x/relation/tags`; const getWhispersURL = (pn,ps=50) => `https://api.bilibili.com/x/relation/whispers?pn=${pn}&ps=${ps}&order=desc&order_type=attention`; const getFetchURL = (uid, pn) => `https://api.bilibili.com/x/relation/followings?vmid=${uid}&pn=${pn}&ps=50&order=desc&order_type=attention`; const getUnfolURL = () => `https://api.bilibili.com/x/relation/modify`; const getFollowURL = () => `https://api.bilibili.com/x/relation/batch/modify`; const getLatestVidURL = uid => `https://api.bilibili.com/x/space/arc/search?mid=${uid}&ps=1&pn=1` const getSubInfoURL = uid => `https://api.bilibili.com/x/relation/stat?vmid=${uid}`; const getCreateGroupURL = ()=> `https://api.bilibili.com/x/relation/tag/create`; const getRenameGroupURL = ()=> `https://api.bilibili.com/x/relation/tag/update`; const getRemoveGroupURL = ()=> `https://api.bilibili.com/x/relation/tag/del`; const getMoveToGroupURL = ()=> `https://api.bilibili.com/x/relation/tags/addUsers`; const getCopyToGroupURL = ()=> `https://api.bilibili.com/x/relation/tags/copyUsers`; const getDynamicURL = (selfid,hostid)=>`https://api.vc.bilibili.com/dynamic_svr/v1/dynamic_svr/space_history?visitor_uid=${selfid}&host_uid=${hostid}&offset_dynamic_id=0&need_top=1&platform=web`; const getRequest = path => new Request(path, { method: 'GET', headers: getHeaders(), credentials: "include" }); const getPostRequest = (path, body = null) => new Request(path, { method: 'POST', headers: getHeaders(), credentials: "include", body }); const cacheGroupList = async () => { setInfoBar("正在获取分组信息..."); try { const jsonData = await (await fetch(getRequest(getGroupURL()))).json(); if (jsonData && jsonData.code === 0) { datas.tags = []; for (let tag of jsonData.data) { datas.tags[tag.tagid] = tag; } return true; } else { log(jsonData); return false; } } catch (err) { log(err); return false; } }; const createGroup = async (tagname) => { setInfoBar(`正在创建新的分组"${tagname}"...`); try { const jsonData = await (await fetch( getPostRequest(getCreateGroupURL(), new URLSearchParams({ tag: tagname, csrf: getCSRFToken() })))); if (jsonData.code === 0) return true; else throw new Error(jsonData.message); }catch(err){ log(err); return false; } finally { await cacheGroupList(); CacheManager.save(); } } const renameGroup = async (tagid, tagname) => { setInfoBar(`正在修改分组为"${tagname}"...`); try { const jsonData = await (await fetch( getPostRequest(getRenameGroupURL(), new URLSearchParams({ tagid, name: tagname, csrf: getCSRFToken() })))); if (jsonData.code === 0) return true; else throw new Error(jsonData.message); }catch(err){ log(err); return false; } finally { await cacheGroupList(); CacheManager.save(); await renderListTo(get("#CKFOMAN-MAINLIST"),datas.followings,true); resetInfoBar(); } } const removeGroup = async (tagid) => { setInfoBar(`正在移除分组"${tagid}"...`); try { const jsonData = await (await fetch( getPostRequest(getRemoveGroupURL(), new URLSearchParams({ tagid, csrf: getCSRFToken() })))); if (jsonData.code === 0) return true; else throw new Error(jsonData.message); }catch(err){ log(err); return false; } finally { await cacheGroupList(); CacheManager.save(); await renderListTo(get("#CKFOMAN-MAINLIST"),datas.followings,true); resetInfoBar(); } } const moveUserToDefaultGroup = uids => moveUserToGroup(uids, [0]);//unused const moveUserToGroup = async (uids, tagids) => { setInfoBar(`正在移动用户分组...`); try { const jsonData = await (await fetch( getPostRequest(getMoveToGroupURL(), new URLSearchParams({ fids: uids.join(','), tagids: tagids.join(','), csrf: getCSRFToken() }))).json()); if (jsonData.code === 0) { for (let uid of uids) { const u = parseInt(uid); let targetUser; if (datas.mappings.includes(u)) { targetUser = datas.mappings[u]; } else if (datas.mappings.includes(uid)) { targetUser = datas.mappings[uid]; } else { //TODO: need reload } targetUser.tag = tagids.map(i=>parseInt(i)) } return true; } else throw new Error(jsonData.message); }catch(err){ log(err); return false; } } const copyUserToGroup = async (uids, tagids) => { setInfoBar(`正在添加用户分组...`); try { const jsonData = await (await fetch( getPostRequest(getCopyToGroupURL(), new URLSearchParams({ fids: uids.join(','), tagids: tagids.join(','), csrf: getCSRFToken() }))).json()); log(jsonData,jsonData.code,jsonData.code===0);//TODO:BUG if (jsonData.code == 0) { for (let uid of uids) { const u = parseInt(uid); let targetUser; if (datas.mappings.includes(u)) { targetUser = datas.mappings[u]; } else if (datas.mappings.includes(uid)) { targetUser = datas.mappings[uid]; } else { //TODO: need reload } targetUser.tag = (function () { const tag = []; for (const tid of [...targetUser.tag, ...tagids]) { const ntid = parseInt(tid); if(!tag.includes(ntid)) tag.push(ntid) } return tag; })() } return true; } else throw new Error(jsonData.message); }catch(err){ log(err); return false; } } const getCurrSubStat = async uid => { try { const jsonData = await (await fetch(getRequest(getSubInfoURL(uid)))).json(); if (jsonData && jsonData.code === 0) { return jsonData.data; } else { log("Failed fetch self info: unexpected response", jsonData); return null; } } catch (e) { log("Failed fetch self info: error found", e); return null; } } const getLatestVideoPublishDate = async uid => { try { const jsonData = await (await fetch(getRequest(getLatestVidURL(uid)))).json(); if (jsonData && jsonData.code === 0) { if ( jsonData.data && jsonData.data.list ) { let mostCates = ""; if (jsonData.data.list.tlist.length !== 0) { let max = 0, name=""; for(let itemname of Object.keys(jsonData.data.list.tlist)){ const item = jsonData.data.list.tlist[itemname]; if(item.count>max){ max = item.count; name= item.name; }else if(item.count===max){ name+= "、"+item.name; } } mostCates = name; } if (jsonData.data.list.vlist.length === 0) { return {ok: false,mostCates:mostCates} } const vid = jsonData.data.list.vlist[0]; return {ok: true, value: vid.created,vinfo: {aid:vid.aid,title:vid.title,pic:vid.pic,play:vid.play},mostCates:mostCates} } else { return {ok: false} } } else { return {ok: false} } } catch (e) { log(uid,e) return {ok: false} } }; const getTypeNameFromDynamicTypeID = (id,fallback='?') => { switch (+id) { case 1: return mdi('share')+"转发动态"; case 2: return mdi('image-multiple')+"相册图片"; case 4: return mdi('text');//文字动态 case 8: return mdi('youtube')+"视频投稿"; case 16: return mdi('video-box')+"小视频"; case 64: return mdi('newspaper-variant-outline')+"专栏文章"; case 128: return fallback; case 256: return mdi('playlist-music')+"音频投稿"; case 512: return mdi('filmstrip-box-multiple')+"番剧更新"; case 1024: return fallback; case 2048: return mdi('playlist-play')+"歌单分享"; case 4300: return mdi('playlist-star')+"收藏夹"; default: return fallback; } } const getContentFromDynamic = (card) => { if (!card) return '无法解析内容(空内容)'; if (card.item?.content) return card.item.content; if (card.aid) return 'av'+card.aid+' | '+card.title + "
简介: " + card.desc; if (card.item?.pictures) return card.item.pictures_count + '张图片'; if (card.origin) return `转发自${card?.user?.uname}: ${card.item?.content}`; if (card.item?.description) return card.item.description; if(card.summary) return `cv${card.id} | ${card.title}
简介: ${card.summary}` return '无法解析内容(未知特征)'; } const parseDynamic = (d)=>{ const dynamic = { id: d.desc.dynamic_id_str, sender:d.desc.user_profile, like: d.desc.like, comment: d.desc.comment, repost: d.desc.repost, status: d.desc.status, timestamp: d.desc.timestamp, type: d.desc.type, content: getContentFromDynamic(d.card), origin: (d.desc.orig_dy_id && d.desc.orig_dy_id !== 0) ? ( d.card.origin = JSON.parse(d.card.origin), getContentFromDynamic(d.card.origin) ):null, istop: d.extra.is_space_top===1, isrepost: d.desc.orig_dy_id&&d.desc.orig_dy_id!==0, publisher: d.desc.orig_dy_id ? (d.desc.orig_dy_id === 0 ? d.card.user : d.card.origin_user.info) : d.card.user, prefix: getTypeNameFromDynamicTypeID(d.desc.type), origprefix: getTypeNameFromDynamicTypeID(d.desc.orig_type) }; return dynamic; } const getDynamic = async uid => { try { const jsonData = await (await fetch(getRequest(getDynamicURL(datas.self,uid)))).json(); if (jsonData && jsonData.code === 0) { const data = jsonData.data.cards; const dynamics = { top:null, next:null, } if(!data || data.length === 0) { return dynamics; } let d = data.shift(); d.card = JSON.parse(d.card); let obj = parseDynamic(d); if(obj.istop){ dynamics.top = obj; let nd = data.shift(); nd.card = JSON.parse(nd.card); let nobj = parseDynamic(nd); dynamics.next = nobj; }else{ dynamics.next = obj; } return dynamics; } else { log("Failed fetch self info: unexpected response", jsonData); return null; } } catch (e) { log("Failed fetch self info: error found", e); return null; } } const getUserStats = async (uid, withraw=false) => { try { const jsonData = await (await fetch(getRequest(getUInfoURL(uid)))).json(); if (jsonData && jsonData.code === 0) { const udata = jsonData.data; const parsedData = { ok: true, level: udata.level, banned: udata.silence === 1, RIP: udata.sys_notice === 20, disputed: udata.sys_notice === 8, notice: udata.sys_notice, sign: udata.sign, cates: udata.tags, lives: udata.live_room, official_verify: udata.official_verify??udata.official, }; if(withraw){ return Object.assign({},udata,parsedData); } return parsedData } } catch (e) { } return {ok: false} } const fillUserStatus = async (uid, refresh=false) => { setInfoBar(`正在为${uid}填充用户信息`) uid = parseInt(uid); if(datas.mappings[uid]&&datas.mappings[uid].filled){ log(uid,"already filled") resetInfoBar(); return datas.mappings[uid]; } const userinfo = await getUserStats(uid,refresh); if (userinfo.ok) { if(refresh) datas.mappings[uid] = userinfo; datas.mappings[uid].level = userinfo.level; datas.mappings[uid].banned = userinfo.banned; datas.mappings[uid].RIP = userinfo.RIP; datas.mappings[uid].disputed = userinfo.disputed; datas.mappings[uid].notice = userinfo.notice; datas.mappings[uid].sign = userinfo.sign; datas.mappings[uid].cates = userinfo.cates; datas.mappings[uid].lives = userinfo.lives; datas.mappings[uid].filled = true; if (!userinfo.banned && !userinfo.RIP) { const lastUpdate = await getLatestVideoPublishDate(uid); log(uid,lastUpdate) if (lastUpdate.ok) { datas.mappings[uid].lastUpdate = lastUpdate.value; datas.mappings[uid].lastUpdateInfo = lastUpdate.vinfo; } if(lastUpdate.mostCates) datas.mappings[uid].mostCates = lastUpdate.mostCates; } log(uid, datas.mappings[uid]); } else { log(uid, "fetch space info failed"); } resetInfoBar(); return datas.mappings[uid]; } const RELE_ACTION = { FOLLOW:1, UNFOLLOW:2, WHISPER:3, UNWHISPER:4, BLOCK:5, UNBLOCK:6, KICKFANS:7 } const batchOperateUser = async (uids = [], actCode) => { if (uids.length === 0) return {ok: false, res: "UIDS is empty"}; if(!Object.values(RELE_ACTION).includes(actCode)){ if(Object.keys(RELE_ACTION).includes(actCode)){ actCode = RELE_ACTION[actCode]; }else{ return {ok: false, res: "Unknown action code"}; } } const act = actCode; log("Batch Operating with Action Code",act); const operate = async(_uids,_act)=>{ try { const jsonData = await (await fetch(getPostRequest(getFollowURL(), new URLSearchParams(`fids=${_uids.join(',')}&act=${_act}&re_src=11&jsonp=jsonp&csrf=${getCSRFToken()}`)))).json() if (jsonData && jsonData.code === 0) return {ok: true, uids, res: ""}; return {ok: false, uids, res: jsonData.message, data: jsonData.data}; } catch (e) { return {ok: false, uids, res: e.message}; } } const list = [...uids]; const results = {ok:true,uids,res:"",data:{failed_fids:[],failed_results:[]}};//failed_fids if(list.length>50) log("WARNING: Operating with more than 50 items, it may cause some issues."); while(list.length){ const currents = list.splice(0,50); const result = await operate(currents,act); if(!result.ok){ results.ok = false; results.res="部分请求出现错误"; results.data.failed_fids.concat(result.data.failed_fids); results.data.failed_results.push(result); } } log("Results:",results); return results; } const convertToWhisper = async (uids)=>{ log("Unfollowing",uids); let unfo = uids.length===1?await operateUser(uids[0],RELE_ACTION.UNFOLLOW):await batchOperateUser(uids,RELE_ACTION.UNFOLLOW); log("Unfollowed:",unfo); if(!unfo.ok) return unfo; log("Whispering",uids); let whis = uids.length===1?await operateUser(uids[0],RELE_ACTION.WHISPER):await batchOperateUser(uids,RELE_ACTION.WHISPER); log("Whispered:",whis); return whis; } const convertToFollow = async (uids)=>{ log("Unwhispering",uids); let unwh = uids.length===1?await operateUser(uids[0],RELE_ACTION.UNWHISPER):await batchOperateUser(uids,RELE_ACTION.UNWHISPER); log("Unwhispered:",unwh); if(!unwh.ok) return unwh; log("Following",uids); let foll = uids.length===1?await operateUser(uids[0],RELE_ACTION.FOLLOW):await batchOperateUser(uids,RELE_ACTION.FOLLOW); log("Followed:",foll); return foll; } // CSDN https://blog.csdn.net/namechenfl/article/details/91968396 function numberFormat(value) { let param = {}; let k = 10000, sizes = ['', '万', '亿', '万亿'], i; if (value < k) { param.value = value param.unit = '' } else { i = Math.floor(Math.log(value) / Math.log(k)); param.value = ((value / Math.pow(k, i))).toFixed(2); param.unit = sizes[i]; } return param; } const operateUser = async (uid, actCode) => { if(!Object.values(RELE_ACTION).includes(actCode)){ if(Object.keys(RELE_ACTION).includes(actCode)){ actCode = RELE_ACTION[actCode]; }else{ return {ok: false, res: "Unknown action code"}; } } const act = actCode; log("Operating with Action Code",act); try { const jsonData = await (await fetch(getPostRequest(getUnfolURL(), new URLSearchParams(`fid=${uid}&act=${act}&re_src=11&jsonp=jsonp&csrf=${getCSRFToken()}`)))).json() if (jsonData && jsonData.code === 0) return {ok: true, uid, res: ""}; return {ok: false, uid, res: jsonData.message}; } catch (e) { return {ok: false, uid, res: e.message}; } } const unfollowUser = async (uid,iswhisper=false) => { try { if(datas.isSelf){ iswhisper = datas.mappings[uid].attribute===1 || datas.mappings[uid].isWhisper; } return operateUser(uid,iswhisper?RELE_ACTION.UNWHISPER:RELE_ACTION.UNFOLLOW); } catch (e) { return {ok: false, uid, res: e.message}; } } const unfollowUsers = async uids => { let okgroup = []; let errgroup = []; for (let uid of uids) { setInfoBar(`正在取关 ${uid} ...`) let result = await unfollowUser(uid); log(result); if (result.ok) { okgroup.push(uid); } else { errgroup.push(uid); } await batchDelay(); } setInfoBar(`取关完成`) return { ok: errgroup.length === 0, okgroup, errgroup } } const fetchFollowings = async (uid, page = 1) => { let retry = cfg.retrial; while (retry-- > 0) { try { const jsonData = await (await fetch(getRequest(getFetchURL(uid, page)))).json(); if (jsonData) { if (jsonData.code === 0) return jsonData; if (jsonData.code === 22007) { retry = -1; datas.fetchstat = "GUEST-LIMIT"; throw "Not the owner of uid " + uid; } if(jsonData.code === 22115) { retry = -1; datas.fetchstat = "PERMS-DENIED"; throw "Permission denied."; } } log("Unexcept fetch result", "retry:", retry, "uid:", uid, "p:", page, "data", jsonData) } catch (e) { if(datas.fetchstat==="OK")datas.fetchstat = "ERRORED"; log("Errored while fetching followings", "retry:", retry, "uid:", uid, "p:", page, "e:", e); } } return null; } const fetchWhisperFollowings = async (uid, page = 1) => { if(!datas.isSelf) return null; let retry = cfg.retrial; while (retry-- > 0) { try { const jsonData = await (await fetch(getRequest(getWhispersURL(page)))).json(); if (jsonData) { if (jsonData.code === 0) { for(let item of jsonData.data.list){ item.isWhisper = true; } return jsonData; } if (jsonData.code === 22007) { retry = -1; datas.fetchstat = "GUEST-LIMIT"; throw "Not the owner of uid " + uid; } if(jsonData.code === 22115) { retry = -1; datas.fetchstat = "PERMS-DENIED"; throw "Permission denied."; } } log("Unexcept fetch result", "retry:", retry, "uid:", uid, "p:", page, "data", jsonData) } catch (e) { if(datas.fetchstat==="OK")datas.fetchstat = "ERRORED"; log("Errored while fetching followings", "retry:", retry, "uid:", uid, "p:", page, "e:", e); } } return null; } const getFollowings = async (force = false) => { if (datas.status === 1) { log("Task canceled due to busy"); return; } log("Fetching followings with param force =",force?"true":"false"); cfg.infobarTemplate = ()=>`共读取 ${datas.fetched} 条关注`; datas.status = 1; datas.checked = []; let currentPageNum = 1; const uid = await getCurrentUid(); const self = await getSelfId(); datas.currUid = uid; datas.self = self; if (self === -1) { if(!cfg.I_KNOW_WHAT_IM_DOING)alertModal("没有登录", "你没有登录,部分功能可能无法正常工作。", "确定"); log("Not login"); } else if (self === 0) { if(!cfg.I_KNOW_WHAT_IM_DOING)alertModal("获取当前用户信息失败", "无法得知当前页面是否为你的个人空间,因此部分功能可能无法正常工作。", "确定"); log("Failed fetch current user"); } else if (self + "" !== uid) { if(!cfg.I_KNOW_WHAT_IM_DOING)alertModal("他人的关注列表", "这不是你的个人空间,因此获取的关注列表也不是你的列表。
你仍然可以对其进行筛选,但是不能进行操作。", "确定"); log("Other's space."); } else if (self + "" === uid) { datas.isSelf = true; } unsafeWindow.FoMan_CurrentUser = ()=>createUserInfoCardFromOthers(datas.currUid); cfg.titleTemplate = ()=>`

关注管理器 v${cfg.VERSION} ${cfg.debug?"debug":""} 当前展示: UID:${datas.currUid} ${datas.isSelf?"(你)":`(${document.title.replace("的个人空间_哔哩哔哩_bilibili","").replace("的个人空间_哔哩哔哩_Bilibili","")})`} 👁️‍🗨️

` setTitle(); let needreload = force || !CacheManager.load(); const currInfo = await getCurrSubStat(uid); if (datas.currInfo.following !== -1 && currInfo !== null) { if (force === false && datas.currInfo.following === currInfo.following && datas.currInfo.whisper === currInfo.whisper) { if (datas.fetched > 0) needreload = false; } else if(!needreload && (datas.currInfo.following !== currInfo.following || datas.currInfo.whisper !== currInfo.whisper)){ alertModal("自动重新加载","检测到数据变化,已经自动重新加载。","确定"); needreload = true; } } datas.currInfo = currInfo; if (needreload) { datas.followings = []; datas.mappings = {}; datas.fetched = 0; const firstPageData = await fetchFollowings(uid, currentPageNum); if (!firstPageData) throw "Failed to fetch followings"; datas.total = firstPageData.data.total; datas.pages = Math.floor(datas.total / 50) + (datas.total % 50 ? 1 : 0); datas.followings = datas.followings.concat(firstPageData.data.list); datas.fetched += firstPageData.data.list.length; firstPageData.data.list.forEach(it => { datas.mappings[parseInt(it.mid)] = it; }) currentPageNum += 1; for (; currentPageNum <= datas.pages; currentPageNum++) { const currentData = await fetchFollowings(uid, currentPageNum); if (!currentData) break; datas.followings = datas.followings.concat(currentData.data.list); datas.fetched += currentData.data.list.length; currentData.data.list.forEach(it => { datas.mappings[parseInt(it.mid)] = it; }); setInfoBar(`正在查询关注数据:已获取 ${datas.fetched} 条数据`); } log("isSelf? ",datas.isSelf); if(datas.isSelf){ setInfoBar(`正在查询悄悄关注数据`); let whisperPageNum =1; let fetched = 0; const whisperPages = Math.floor(datas.currInfo.whisper / 50) + (datas.currInfo.whisper % 50 ? 1 : 0); for(; whisperPageNum<=whisperPages;whisperPageNum++){ const currentData = await fetchWhisperFollowings(whisperPageNum); log(currentData); if (!currentData) break; datas.followings = datas.followings.concat(currentData.data.list); fetched += currentData.data.list.length; currentData.data.list.forEach(it => { datas.mappings[parseInt(it.mid)] = it; }); setInfoBar(`正在查询悄悄关注数据:已获取 ${fetched} 条数据`); } } CacheManager.save(); }else{ log("Using last result."); cfg.infobarTemplate = ()=>`共读取 ${datas.fetched} 条关注(缓存,点此重新加载)` setInfoBar("使用上次数据"); } datas.status = 2; log("fetch completed."); autoCacheCleaner(); } const autoCacheCleaner = (force=false) => { let size = CacheManager.getSize(); if (force || size >= 2) { setInfoBar("正在整理缓存空间..."); alertModal('请稍等', '由于缓存空间到达警戒值,正在自动整理缓存,请稍等...'); CacheManager.prune(); let aftersize = CacheManager.getSize(); if (aftersize >= 2) { alertModal('请稍等', '缓存空间仍然处于警戒值以上,整理缓存无效,正在自动清理缓存,请稍等...'); CacheManager.clean(); } aftersize = CacheManager.getSize(); alertModal('清理完成', '本次自动清理释放了' + (size - aftersize) + ' MB缓存空间。', "确定"); resetInfoBar(); } } unsafeWindow.FoManCleaner = (force=false)=>autoCacheCleaner(force); const CacheProvider = { storage: window.localStorage, prefix: "Unfollow_", expire: 1000*60*60*2, getKey:(key)=>CacheProvider.prefix+key, valueWrapper: (value='',no=false)=>{ log(JSON.stringify({ et: no?(new Date('2999/1/1')).getTime():(new Date()).getTime()+CacheProvider.expire, vl: value })); return JSON.stringify({ et: no?(new Date('2999/1/1')).getTime():(new Date()).getTime()+CacheProvider.expire, vl: value }); }, getValue: (value="{}",key=null,noprefix=false)=>{ try{ const itemArc = JSON.parse(value); if(itemArc.hasOwnProperty('et')&&itemArc.et>=(new Date()).getTime()){ return itemArc.vl; } if(key)CacheProvider.del(key,noprefix); return null; }catch(e){ if(key)CacheProvider.del(key,noprefix); return null; } }, list: ()=>Object.keys(CacheProvider.storage).filter(el=>el.startsWith(CacheProvider.prefix)), has: (key,noprefix=false)=>{ if(!noprefix){ key = CacheProvider.getKey(key); } return CacheProvider.storage.getItem(key)===null; }, valid: (key,noprefix=false)=>{ if(!noprefix){ key = CacheProvider.getKey(key); } if(CacheProvider.has(key,true)){ const value = CacheProvider.storage.getItem(key); return CacheProvider.getValue(value,key,true)!==null; }else return false; }, set: (key,val,noexpire=false,noprefix = false)=>{ if(!noprefix){ key = CacheProvider.getKey(key); } CacheProvider.storage.setItem(key,CacheProvider.valueWrapper(val,noexpire)); }, get: (key,fallback=null,noprefix=false)=>{ if(!noprefix){ key = CacheProvider.getKey(key); } const result = CacheProvider.storage.getItem(key); log('Cache-get-with-key',key,result); if(result===null) return fallback; log('Cache-get-parsed-value',key,CacheProvider.getValue(result,key,true)); return CacheProvider.getValue(result,key,true); }, del: (key,noprefix=false)=>{ if(!noprefix){ key = CacheProvider.getKey(key); } delete CacheProvider.storage[key]; }, prune: ()=>{ const count = { valid:0,expired:0 }; CacheProvider.list().forEach(it=>{ if(!it) return; if(CacheProvider.valid(it,true)){ count.valid++; }else{ count.expired++; } }) return; }, getSize: (filter = (key) => key.startsWith(CacheProvider.prefix)) => { const sum = (...args)=>args.reduce((a,b)=>a+b,0); return sum(...Object.keys(CacheProvider.storage).filter(filter).map(it=>CacheProvider.storage.getItem(it).length)); } } const CacheManager = { version: 1, save:(uid=datas.currUid)=>{ const {total,fetched,pages,followings,tags,currInfo} = datas; const tagclone = {}; for(let tn of Object.keys(tags)){ tagclone[tn+''] = tags[tn]; } /*log({ total,fetched,pages,followings,mappings,tagclone,currInfo });*/ CacheProvider.set(`cache_${uid}`,{ total,fetched,pages,followings,tagclone,currInfo,cacheVersion:CacheManager.version }); }, load:(uid=datas.currUid)=>{ if(!datas.isSelf) return false; const cached = CacheProvider.get(`cache_${uid}`); if(cached===null) return false; else{ const { total, fetched, pages, followings, tagclone, currInfo } = cached; if (!cached.cacheVersion || cached.cacheVersion < CacheManager.version) { CacheProvider.del(`cache_${uid}`); return false; } const tags = {}; for(let tn of Object.keys(tagclone)){ tags[parseInt(tn)] = tagclone[tn]; } const mappings = {}; for (const follow of followings) { mappings[+follow.mid] = follow; } const cdata = {total,fetched,pages,followings,mappings,tags,currInfo}; for(let n of Object.keys(cdata)){ datas[n] = cdata[n]; } return true; } }, prune: () => { CacheProvider.prune(); try{ CacheProvider.list().forEach(el => { const value = CacheProvider.get(el, null, true); if (!value.cacheVersion||value.cacheVersion < CacheManager.version) CacheProvider.del(el, true); }); return true; }catch(e){ log(e); return false; } }, clean:()=>{ try{ CacheProvider.list().forEach(el=>CacheProvider.del(el,true)); return true; }catch(e){ log(e); return false; } }, getSize: () => { return (CacheProvider.getSize()/1024/1024).toFixed(2); } } const clearStyles = (className = "CKFOMAN") => { let dom = document.querySelectorAll("style." + className); if (dom) [...dom].forEach(e => e.remove()); } const addStyle = (s, className = "CKFOMAN", mode = "append") => { switch (mode) { default: case "append": break; case "unique": if (document.querySelector("style." + className)) return; break; case "update": clearStyles(className); break; } let style = document.createElement("style"); style.classList.add(className); style.innerHTML = s; document.body.appendChild(style); } const setTitle = (val = null)=>{ const title = get("#CKFOMAN-titledom"); if(val!=null) title.innerHTML = val; else title.innerHTML = cfg.titleTemplate(); } const getFloatWindow = () => { addMdiBtnStyle(); addStyle(` #CKFOMAN{ position: fixed; z-index: 99000; top: 50%; left: 50%; width: 800px; width: 60vw; height: 800px; height: 80vh; background: white; border-radius: 8px; padding: 12px; 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"1" : "0"); item.setAttribute("data-fans", data.attribute === 6 ? "1" : "0"); item.setAttribute("data-vip", data.vip.vipType !== 0 ? "1" : "0"); item.setAttribute("data-official", data.official_verify.type === 1 ? "1" : "0"); let title = data.mid + ""; item.appendChild(await makeDom("input", toggle => { toggle.className = "CKFOMAN-data-inforow-toggle"; toggle.type = "checkbox"; toggle.checked = datas.checked.includes(data.mid + "") || datas.checked.includes(parseInt(data.mid)); toggle.setAttribute("data-targetmid", data.mid); toggle.onchange = e => { toggleSwitch(data.mid, toggle.checked); } // toggle.onchange = e =>{ // if(toggle.checked){ // if(!datas.checked.includes(data.mid)){ // datas.checked.push(data.mid); // } // }else{ // if(datas.checked.includes(data.mid)){ // datas.checked.splice(datas.checked.indexOf(data.mid),1); // } // } // } })); item.appendChild(await makeDom("img", avatar => { avatar.src = data.face; avatar.style.flex = "1"; avatar.style.height = "18px"; avatar.style.maxWidth = "18px"; avatar.style.borderRadius = "50%"; avatar.style.verticalAlign = "middle"; avatar.style.marginRight = "18px"; avatar.loading = "lazy"; })); item.appendChild(await makeDom("span", name => { name.className = "CKFOMAN-data-inforow-name"; name.innerText = data.uname; name.style.flex = "1"; if (isAliasPluginInstalled()) { name.innerHTML += ` ${getAliasPlugin().provider.getAlias(+data.mid, "")}` } if (invalid) { name.style.textDecoration = "line-through 3px red"; } else { name.style.fontWeight = "bold"; if (data.isWhisper === true || data.attribute=== 1) { name.innerHTML = `` + name.innerHTML; title += " | 悄悄关注"; } if (data.special === 1) { name.innerHTML = `` + name.innerHTML; title += " | 特别关注"; } if (data.attribute === 6) { name.innerHTML = `` + name.innerHTML; title += " | 互相关注"; } if (data.vip.vipType !== 0) { name.style.color = "#e91e63"; } if (data.official_verify.type === 1) { name.style.textDecoration = "underline"; name.style.color = "#c67927"; title += " | 认证账号"; } if (info.banned) { name.style.color = "grey"; name.innerHTML = `` + name.innerHTML; title += " | 账号已封禁"; } if (info.RIP) { name.innerHTML = `` + name.innerHTML; title += " | 纪念账号"; } if (info.disputed) { name.innerHTML = name.innerHTML + ``; title += " | 账号有争议"; } if (info.notice && info.notice.content && !info.banned && !info.RIP && !info.disputed) { name.innerHTML = name.innerHTML + ``; title += " | " + (info.notice.content ? info.notice.content : "账号状态未知"); } } })); item.appendChild(await makeDom("span", subtime => { subtime.style.flex = "1"; subtime.innerHTML = "关注于" + (new Intl.DateTimeFormat('zh-CN').format(data.mtime + "000")); if (isNearly(data.mtime)) { title += " | 最近关注"; } else if (isLongAgo(data.mtime)) { title += " | 很久前关注"; } })); item.appendChild(await makeDom("span", tagsdom => { tagsdom.style.flex = "1"; if (data.tag === null || data.tag.length === 0 || ["[0]", "[-10]"].includes(JSON.stringify(data.tag))) tagsdom.innerHTML = ""; else { let name = ""; for (let gid of data.tag) { if (gid === 0 || gid === -10) continue; if (name !== "") name += ","; if (gid in datas.tags) { name += datas.tags[gid].name; } else { name += "?"; } } tagsdom.innerHTML = name; } })); item.appendChild(await makeDom("span", mark => { mark.style.flex = "1"; if (invalid) { title += " | 账号已注销"; } else { if (data.special === 1) { mark.innerHTML = "特别关注  "; } if (data.official_verify.type === 1) { mark.innerText = data.official_verify.desc.substring(0, 15); } else if (data.vip.vipType !== 0) { mark.innerText = data.vip.vipType === 1 ? "大会员" : "年费大会员" title += " | " + mark.innerText; } if (info.lastUpdate) { if (isLongAgo(info.lastUpdate)) { title += " | 很久没有发布视频"; } if (isNearly(info.lastUpdate)) { title += " | 最近有发布视频"; } } } })); log(info, title); item.setAttribute("title", title); }); } const taginfoline = (data,clickCallback=()=>{},selected = false,showExtras = true,hideOptions = false) => { return makeDom("li", async item => { let couldRename = true; item.className = "CKFOMAN-data-inforow"; item.onclick = e => { if(e.path.filter(el=>el.tagName==="BUTTON"||el.tagName==="INPUT").length){ return; }else{ clickCallback(e,data); } } item.setAttribute("data-id", data.tagid); item.setAttribute("data-name", data.name); item.setAttribute("data-count", data.count); item.setAttribute("data-tip", data.tip); if(!hideOptions)item.appendChild(await makeDom("input", toggle => { toggle.className = "CKFOMAN-data-inforow-toggle"; toggle.type = "checkbox"; toggle.checked = selected; toggle.setAttribute("data-tagid", data.tagid); })); item.appendChild(await makeDom("span", name => { name.className = "CKFOMAN-data-inforow-name"; switch(data.tagid){ case 0: case '0': couldRename = false; name.innerHTML = `默认分类`.italics(); item.setAttribute("title", "默认的关注分类,包含全部未分组的关注项目。\n不可删除"); break; case -10: case '-10': couldRename = false; name.innerHTML = `特别关注`.italics(); item.setAttribute("title", "默认的特别关注分类,包含全部特别关注的关注项目。\n不可删除"); break; default: name.innerText = `${data.name}`; item.setAttribute("title", `用户创建的分组 "${data.name}"\n删除后用户将被移动到默认分类`); } name.style.flex = "1"; })); item.appendChild(await makeDom("span", subtime => { subtime.style.flex = "1"; subtime.innerHTML = `${data.tagid}`; })); item.appendChild(await makeDom("span", subtime => { subtime.style.flex = "1"; subtime.innerHTML = `包含 ${data.count} 个内容`; })); if(showExtras)item.appendChild(await makeDom("button", renamebtn => { renamebtn.style.flex = ".4"; renamebtn.innerHTML = `更名`; renamebtn.style.height = "23px"; renamebtn.style.margin = "0"; renamebtn.style.padding = "2px"; renamebtn.classList.add("CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"); if(!couldRename){ renamebtn.setAttribute("disabled",true); renamebtn.classList.add("grey"); } renamebtn.onclick = async ()=>{ let newname = prompt("请输入新的分类名字",data.name).trim(); if(newname.length!==0){ if(newname!=data.name){ const result = await renameGroup(data.tagid,newname); if(result){ await alertModal("分组重命名","分组重命名成功,重新打开窗口以显示修改后的数据。","确定"); }else{ await alertModal("分组重命名","分组重命名完成,但是不能确定结果。请刷新页面,然后查看是否生效。","确定"); } } } }; })); }); } const doUnfollowChecked = async () => { const checked = datas.checked; if (!checked || checked.length === 0) return alertModal("无法操作", "实际选中数量为0,没有任何人被选中取关。", ""); await alertModal("正在取消关注...", `正在取关${checked.length}个用户,请耐心等候~`); const result = await unfollowUsers(checked); if (result.ok) { await alertModal("操作结束", `已取关 ${result.okgroup.length} 个用户。`, "继续"); } else { await alertModal("操作结束", `已取关 ${result.okgroup.length} 个用户,但有另外 ${result.errgroup.length} 个用户取关失败。`, "继续"); } datas.checked = []; log("取关结果", result); createMainWindow(); } const isInvalid = data => { return (data.face === "http://i0.hdslb.com/bfs/face/member/noface.jpg" || data.face === "https://i0.hdslb.com/bfs/face/member/noface.jpg") && data.uname === "账号已注销"; } const alertModal = async (title = "", content = "", okbtn = "hidden") => { if (isModalShowing()) { hideModal(); await wait(200); } openModal(title, await makeDom("div", async container => { container.appendChild(await makeDom("div", tip => { tip.innerHTML = content; })) if (okbtn !== "hidden") container.appendChild(await makeDom("div", async btns => { btns.style.display = "flex"; btns.appendChild(await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"; btn.innerHTML = okbtn; btn.onclick = e => hideModal(); })) })) })) await wait(300); } const showCacheQuotaModal = async () => { hideModal(); await wait(300); const size = CacheManager.getSize(); let content = "本地缓存空间已占用 " + size + " MB。"; if(size < 1.8){ content += "无需处理。定期整理缓存可以减少空间占用。"; }else if (size < 2.5) { content += "建议整理缓存。"; } else { content += "建议整理或清理缓存以避免缓存空间超出配额。"; } content += "

FoMan使用本地存储空间保存缓存,本地存储在不同浏览器中有不同的限额,最小的为2.5MB(Opera),最大的为10MB(Chromium)。请注意此空间非FoMan独占,B站自身和其他插件也会占用此空间,因此建议经常进行整理。"; content += "


默认情况下,FoMan存储的缓存有效期为2小时,超过2小时的缓存和数据总数发生变化时都会触发强制放弃缓存重新加载。" content += "

清空缓存会清理所有由FoMan产生的缓存。若配额达到上限,或经常查看其他人关注列表,则建议使用此功能。" alertModal("缓存使用说明",content,"确定"); } const createUserInfoCardFromOthers = async(uid)=>{ if(!uid) return; const i = await fillUserStatus(uid, true).catch(err => log(err)); await createUserInfoCard(i, false, true); }; const createUserInfoCard = async (info, refilldata = true, noactions = false)=>{ if(datas.preventUserCard) return; log(info); if(datas.settings.autoExtendInfo){ alertModal("请稍后..."); if(refilldata) await fillUserStatus(info.mid).catch(err => log(err)); info.dynamics = await getDynamic(info.mid).catch(err => log(err)); info['stats'] = await getCurrSubStat(info.mid); } hideModal(); await wait(300); openModal("", await makeDom("div", async container => { const infocard = await makeDom("div", async card => { card.style.display = "flex"; card.style.flexDirection = "row"; card.style.minHeight = "100px"; card.style.minWidth = "400px"; [ await makeDom("img", async img => { img.style.flex = "1"; img.style.maxWidth = "70px"; img.setAttribute("loading", "lazy"); img.src = info.face; img.style.width = "70px"; img.style.height = "70px"; img.style.borderRadius = "50%"; img.style.margin = "0 30px"; }), await makeDom("div", async upinfo => { upinfo.style.flex = "1"; upinfo.style.maxWidth = "300px"; upinfo.innerHTML = `${info.uname ?? info.name ?? '未知昵称'} ${info.vip.vipType > 1 ? info.vip.label.text : info.vip.vipType > 0 ? "大会员" : ""}`; if (info.level) { upinfo.innerHTML += `
LV${info.level}${isHardCoreMember(info) ? " ⚡ (硬核)" : ""}
`; } upinfo.innerHTML += `
`; if (info.official_verify.type !== -1) { let color = "gray"; switch (info.official_verify.type) { case 0: color = "goldenrod"; break; case 1: color = "#FB7299"; break; case 2: color = "dodgerblue"; break; } upinfo.innerHTML += `
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${fans.value}${fans.unit}粉丝 / ${subs.value}${subs.unit}关注
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`; } let subinfo = ""; if(info.special===1){ subinfo+= `特别关注`; } if(info.attribute===6){ subinfo+= `互相关注`; } if(info.isWhisper === true || info.attribute=== 1){ subinfo+= `悄悄关注`; } if(subinfo.length){ upinfo.innerHTML+= `
` } if(info.notice && info.notice.id){ upinfo.innerHTML+= `
`; } if(info.banned){ upinfo.innerHTML+= `
`; } if(info.cates && info.cates.length){ upinfo.innerHTML+= `
标签: ${info.cates.join(", ")}
`; } if(info.mostCates && info.mostCates.length){ upinfo.innerHTML+= `
主要投稿分区: ${info.mostCates}
`; } if(info.mid){ upinfo.innerHTML+= `
UID: ${info.mid}
`; } if(info.mtime){ const regdate = new Date(info.mtime*1000); upinfo.innerHTML+= `
关注于 ${regdate.getFullYear()}年${regdate.getMonth()+1}月${regdate.getDate()}日
`; } }) ].forEach(el=>card.appendChild(el)); }) container.appendChild(infocard); if(unsafeWindow.FoManPlugins&&unsafeWindow.FoManPlugins.RememberFollows){ const followinfo = unsafeWindow.FoManPlugins.RememberFollows.get(+info.mid); if(followinfo){ const fodate = new Date(followinfo.timestamp); [ divider(), await makeDom("div",async post=>{ post.innerHTML = "


"; post.appendChild(await makeDom("div",async vidcard=>{ vidcard.style.display = "flex"; vidcard.style.flexDirection = "row"; vidcard.style.minHeight = "80px"; vidcard.style.minWidth = "400px"; [ await makeDom("div",async vidinfo=>{ vidinfo.innerHTML = `
`; vidinfo.innerHTML+= `
${fodate.getFullYear()}年${fodate.getMonth()+1}月${fodate.getDate()}日 · 当时UP名: ${followinfo.upName}
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"; post.appendChild(await makeDom("div",async vidcard=>{ vidcard.style.display = "flex"; vidcard.style.flexDirection = "row"; vidcard.style.minHeight = "80px"; vidcard.style.minWidth = "400px"; [ await makeDom("div",async vidinfo=>{ vidinfo.innerHTML = `
[${dynamic.prefix}] ${content}
`; vidinfo.innerHTML+= `
${pushdate.getFullYear()}年${pushdate.getMonth()+1}月${pushdate.getDate()}日 - ${dynamic.like??'?'}点赞 ${dynamic.repost??'?'}转发 ${dynamic.comment??'?'}评论
`; if(dynamic.isrepost){ vidinfo.innerHTML+= `
转发自${dynamic.publisher.uname} 的 [${dynamic.origprefix}]:
`; } }) ].forEach(el=>vidcard.appendChild(el)); vidcard.onclick = ()=>open(`https://t.bilibili.com/${dynamic.id}?tab=2`) })) }) ].forEach(el=>container.appendChild(el)); } if(info.dynamics.next){ let dynamic = info.dynamics.next; let content = (()=>{ if(!dynamic.content || dynamic.content.length===0) return "无内容"; let short = dynamic.content.substring(0,300); short = short.split("\n").slice(0,4).join("\n"); if(short!=dynamic.content) short+="..."; return short.replaceAll("\n","
"); })(); const pushdate = new Date(dynamic.timestamp*1000); [ divider(), await makeDom("div",async post=>{ post.innerHTML = "


"; post.appendChild(await makeDom("div",async vidcard=>{ vidcard.style.display = "flex"; vidcard.style.flexDirection = "row"; vidcard.style.minHeight = "80px"; vidcard.style.minWidth = "400px"; [ await makeDom("div",async vidinfo=>{ vidinfo.innerHTML = `
[${dynamic.prefix}] ${content}
`; vidinfo.innerHTML+= `
${pushdate.getFullYear()}年${pushdate.getMonth()+1}月${pushdate.getDate()}日 - ${dynamic.like??'?'}点赞 ${dynamic.repost??'?'}转发 ${dynamic.comment??'?'}评论
`; if(dynamic.isrepost){ vidinfo.innerHTML+= `
转发自${dynamic.publisher.uname} 的 [${dynamic.origprefix}]:
`; } }) ].forEach(el=>vidcard.appendChild(el)); vidcard.onclick = ()=>open(`https://t.bilibili.com/${dynamic.id}?tab=2`) })) }) ].forEach(el=>container.appendChild(el)); } } if(info.lastUpdate && info.lastUpdateInfo){ const pushdate = new Date(info.lastUpdate*1000); [ divider(), await makeDom("div",async post=>{ post.innerHTML = "


"; post.appendChild(await makeDom("div",async vidcard=>{ vidcard.style.display = "flex"; vidcard.style.flexDirection = "row"; vidcard.style.minHeight = "80px"; vidcard.style.minWidth = "400px"; [ await makeDom("img", img=>{ img.style.flex = "1"; img.style.maxWidth = "80px"; img.style.height = "50px"; img.setAttribute("loading","lazy"); img.src = info.lastUpdateInfo.pic; img.style.borderRadius = "6px"; img.style.margin = "0px 12px 0px 10px"; }), await makeDom("div",async vidinfo=>{ vidinfo.innerHTML = `
`; vidinfo.innerHTML+= `
`; }) ].forEach(el=>vidcard.appendChild(el)); vidcard.onclick = ()=>open(`https://www.bilibili.com/av${info.lastUpdateInfo.aid}`) })) }) ].forEach(el=>container.appendChild(el)); } if(info.lives && info.lives.liveStatus!==0){ [ divider(), await makeDom("div",async post=>{ post.innerHTML = "


"; post.appendChild(await makeDom("div",async vidcard=>{ vidcard.style.display = "flex"; vidcard.style.flexDirection = "row"; vidcard.style.minHeight = "80px"; vidcard.style.minWidth = "400px"; [ await makeDom("img", img=>{ img.style.flex = "1"; img.style.maxWidth = "80px"; img.style.height = "50px"; img.setAttribute("loading","lazy"); img.src = info.lives.cover; img.style.borderRadius = "6px"; img.style.margin = "0px 12px 0px 10px"; }), await makeDom("div",async vidinfo=>{ vidinfo.innerHTML = `
`; vidinfo.innerHTML+= `
正在${info.lives.liveStatus===2?'轮':'直'}播 - 房间号: ${info.lives.roomid}
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} } })) container.appendChild(await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns blue"; btn.style.margin = "4px 0"; btn.innerHTML = "悄悄关注"; btn.onclick = async e => { btn.innerHTML = "正在关注..."; btn.setAttribute("disabled",true) btn.classList.add("grey"); const res = await batchOperateUser([info.mid],RELE_ACTION.WHISPER); if(!res.ok){ log(res) btn.innerHTML = "关注失败"; btn.removeAttribute("disabled") btn.classList.remove("grey"); }else{ datas.mappings[info.mid].attribute = 1; btn.remove(); addBtn(datas.mappings[info.mid],container); } } })) }else{ container.appendChild(await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns red"; btn.style.margin = "4px 0"; btn.innerHTML = "立刻取关(谨慎)"; btn.onclick = async e => { btn.innerHTML = "正在取关..."; btn.setAttribute("disabled",true) btn.classList.add("grey"); const res = await unfollowUser(info.mid); if(!res.ok){ log(res); btn.innerHTML = "取关失败"; btn.removeAttribute("disabled") btn.classList.remove("grey"); }else{ datas.mappings[info.mid].attribute = 0; btn.remove(); addBtn(datas.mappings[info.mid],container); } } })) if(info.attribute===1){ container.appendChild(await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns blue"; btn.style.margin = "4px 0"; btn.innerHTML = "转为普通关注(不保留关注时间)"; btn.onclick = async e => { btn.innerHTML = "正在转换..."; btn.setAttribute("disabled",true) btn.classList.add("grey"); const res = await convertToFollow([info.mid]); if(!res.ok){ log(res) btn.innerHTML = "关注失败"; btn.removeAttribute("disabled") btn.classList.remove("grey"); }else{ datas.mappings[info.mid].attribute = 1; datas.mappings[info.mid].isWhisper = false; btn.remove(); if(datas.dommappings[info.mid+""]&& datas.dommappings[info.mid+""] instanceof HTMLElement){ datas.dommappings[info.mid+""].replaceWith(await upinfoline(datas.mappings[info.mid])); } //addBtn(datas.mappings[info.mid],container); hideModal(); } } })) }else{ container.appendChild(await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns blue"; btn.style.margin = "4px 0"; btn.innerHTML = "转为悄悄关注(不保留关注时间)"; btn.onclick = async e => { btn.innerHTML = "正在悄悄关注..."; btn.setAttribute("disabled",true) btn.classList.add("grey"); const res = await convertToWhisper([info.mid]); if(!res.ok){ log(res) btn.innerHTML = "关注失败"; btn.removeAttribute("disabled") btn.classList.remove("grey"); }else{ datas.mappings[info.mid].attribute = 2; datas.mappings[info.mid].isWhisper = true; btn.remove(); if(datas.dommappings[info.mid+""]&& datas.dommappings[info.mid+""] instanceof HTMLElement){ datas.dommappings[info.mid+""].replaceWith(await upinfoline(datas.mappings[info.mid])); } //addBtn(datas.mappings[info.mid],container); hideModal(); } } })) } } } container.appendChild(await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"; btn.style.margin = "4px 0"; btn.innerHTML = "个人主页"; btn.onclick = () => open(`https://space.bilibili.com/${info.mid}`) })) container.appendChild(await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"; btn.style.margin = "4px 0"; btn.innerHTML = "隐藏"; btn.onclick = () => hideModal(); })) } const btns = document.createElement("div"); await addBtn(info,btns); container.appendChild(btns); })); } const createGroupInfoModal = async () => { hideModal(); await wait(300); openModal("分组管理", await makeDom("div", async container=>{ container.appendChild(await makeDom("div", tip => { tip.style.fontWeight = "bold"; tip.innerHTML = `若修改过分组信息,建议刷新页面再进行其他操作。`; })) container.appendChild(divider()); const taglistdom = document.createElement('div'); taglistdom.className = "CKFOMAN-scroll-list"; taglistdom.style.width = "100%"; taglistdom.style.maxHeight = "calc(50vh - 100px)"; const refreshList = async ()=>renderTagListTo(taglistdom,[],async (e,data)=>{ if(e.target.tagName==="INPUT") return; if(['0','-10'].includes(data.tagid+'')) return; let dom = e.path.filter(it=>it['classList']&&it.classList.contains('CKFOMAN-data-inforow'))[0]; if(!dom) return log('no target'); if(dom.hasAttribute('data-del-pending')){ if(dom.removePendingTimer) clearTimeout(dom.removePendingTimer); removeGroup(data.tagid).then(()=>refreshList()); //cfg.infobarTemplate = `共读取 ${datas.fetched} 条关注 (已修改分组,点此重新加载)`; await renderListTo(get("#CKFOMAN-MAINLIST"),datas.followings,true); resetInfoBar(); }else{ dom.setAttribute('data-del-pending','waiting'); let namedom = dom.querySelector('.CKFOMAN-data-inforow-name'); if(!namedom) return; let text = namedom.innerHTML; namedom.innerHTML = '再次点击以移除'.fontcolor('red'); dom.removePendingTimer = setTimeout(()=>{ if(dom.hasAttribute('data-del-pending')) dom.removeAttribute('data-del-pending'); if(dom.removePendingTimer) clearTimeout(dom.removePendingTimer); namedom.innerHTML = text; },5000); } },true); container.appendChild(taglistdom); container.appendChild(await makeDom("div", async btns => { btns.style.display = "flex"; [ await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"; btn.innerHTML = "添加分组"; btn.style.height = "30px"; btn.onclick = async () => { const tagname = prompt("请输入新分组的标题"); if(!tagname) return; createGroup(tagname).then(()=>refreshList()); }; }), await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"; btn.style.height = "30px"; btn.innerHTML = "关闭"; btn.onclick = () => hideModal(); }), ].forEach(el => btns.appendChild(el)); })) refreshList(); })) } const createGroupChangeModal = async (mode='copy'/*move*/) => { hideModal(); await wait(300); refreshChecked(); let uids = datas.checked; let users = []; let groups = []; let act = mode==='copy'?'复制':'移动'; for(let uid of uids){ users.push(datas.mappings[uid]); let tags = datas.mappings[uid].tag; tags && tags.forEach(t=>groups.includes(t)||groups.push(t)) } log(users,groups); openModal("分组修改:"+act, await makeDom("div", async container=>{ container.appendChild(await makeDom("div", tip => { tip.style.fontWeight = "bold"; tip.innerHTML = `若修改过分组信息,建议刷新页面再进行其他操作。`; })) container.appendChild(divider()); const taglistdom = document.createElement('div'); taglistdom.className = "CKFOMAN-scroll-list"; taglistdom.style.width = "100%"; taglistdom.style.maxHeight = "calc(50vh - 100px)"; const refreshList = async ()=>renderTagListTo(taglistdom,mode==='copy'?[]:groups,async (e,data)=>{ const row = e.path.filter(el=>el.classList?.contains('CKFOMAN-data-inforow')); if(row.length){ const cb = row[0].querySelector("input[type='checkbox']"); if(cb) cb.checked = !cb.checked } },false); container.appendChild(taglistdom); container.appendChild(await makeDom("div", async btns => { btns.style.display = "flex"; [ await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"; btn.style.height = "30px"; btn.innerHTML = "管理分组 (Beta)"; btn.onclick = async () => createGroupInfoModal(); }), await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"; btn.style.height = "30px"; btn.innerHTML = "取消"; btn.onclick = () => hideModal(); }), await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"; btn.style.height = "30px"; btn.innerHTML = "确定"; btn.onclick = async () => { const allOptions = [...document.querySelectorAll('.CKFOMAN-data-inforow-toggle[data-tagid]')] const selections = allOptions.map((option)=>{ return {tagid:parseInt(option.getAttribute('data-tagid')),checked:option.checked} }) const checked = selections.filter((selection) => selection.checked) await alertModal("正在处理...", `正在${act}成员到新分组,请稍候`); if(checked.length===0) checked.push({tagid:0,checked:true}); switch(mode){ case 'copy': copyUserToGroup(uids,checked.map(c=>c.tagid)); break; case 'move': moveUserToGroup(uids,checked.map(c=>c.tagid)); break; // default: // moveUserToDefaultGroup(uids); } await renderListTo(get("#CKFOMAN-MAINLIST"),datas.followings,true); hideModal(); cfg.infobarTemplate = ()=>`共读取 ${datas.fetched} 条关注 (已修改分组,点此重新加载)`; resetInfoBar(); } }), ].forEach(el => btns.appendChild(el)); })) refreshList(); })) } const makeButtons = (btns = []) => { const dom = CKTools.domHelper; return dom('div', { css: { 'display': 'flex', 'flex-direction': 'column' }, init: el => { for (const btncfg of btns) { let opt = Object.assign({ text: '按钮', extras: '', init: () => { }, onclick: () => { } }, btncfg); dom('button', { classnames: ['CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns', ...opt.extras], text: opt.text, init: opt.init, listeners: { click: opt.onclick }, append: el }) } } }); } const openNewFilterGuideScreen = async () => { const dom = CKTools.domHelper; hideModal(); await wait(300); let newFilterModuleInstalled = unsafeWindow.FoManPlugins && unsafeWindow.FoManPlugins.FilterReborn; openModal("全新的筛选模块", dom('div', { childs: [ dom('p', { text: "新的筛选模块支持更多、更灵活的筛选方式,配置方式更加直观,选择器组合方式更加自由,可以实现更高级的批量筛选。" }), dom('p', { text: "但是新版本选择器并非完美,目前还在初步测试中,不能保证稳定性。" }), dom('p', { text:"正在检测...", init: el => { if (newFilterModuleInstalled) { el.innerText = "你已安装新模块,点击启动立刻打开使用新模块"; } else { el.innerText = "新模块是可选附加模块之一,你需要前往页面点击安装,然后刷新页面生效。点击前往安装立刻打开安装页面。"; } } }), makeButtons([ { text: newFilterModuleInstalled?"启动":"前往安装", onclick: async e => { hideModal(); if (newFilterModuleInstalled) { hideModal(); await wait(300); unsafeWindow.FoManPlugins.FilterReborn({ datas, info: cfg, domHelper:CKTools.domHelper, mdi, get, getAll, wait, log, addStyle, clearStyles, alertModal, hideModal, checkers: { isNearly, isLongAgo, isInvalid, isFans, isWhisper, isHardCoreMember, isSpecial: d=>d.special === 1, isVerified: d=>d.official_verify.type>0, isVIP: d => d.vip.vipType === 0, isNormalVIP: d => d.vip.vipType === 1, isYearVIP: d=>d.vip.vipType!==1&&d.vip.vipType!==0, }, getGroups: () => [...datas.tags], select: (uid, status = true) => toggleSwitch(uid, status), getSelected: () => refreshChecked().filter(id => !isNaN(id)).map(id => datas.followings[+id]).filter(el => !!el), clearSelected: () => { datas.checked = []; [...getAll(`input.CKFOMAN-data-inforow-toggle[checked]`)].map(el => el.checked = false); } }).catch(e => { alertModal("模块加载失败", "出现了一个错误,不能加载模块。", "确定"); console.error(e); }); } else { // open('about:blank'); if(!cfg.I_KNOW_WHAT_IM_DOING)alertModal("很抱歉","此模块尚未发布,请等待下个版本更新。","确定"); } } }, { text: "取消", onclick: e => hideModal() } ]) ] })) } const createBlockOrFollowModal = async (isBlock = true) => { hideModal(); await wait(300); refreshChecked(); if (datas.checked.length === 0) { if(!cfg.I_KNOW_WHAT_IM_DOING)alertModal("无法继续", "你没有选中任何项,请选中一些项然后再进行操作。", "确认"); return; } const ui = { action: isBlock ? "拉黑" : "关注", title: isBlock ? "批量拉黑" : "批量关注", desc: isBlock ? "确认要拉黑的用户列表。
他们不会从你的关注中消失。" : "确认要关注的用户列表。
重复关注可能导致你变成新粉丝。", } openModal(ui.title, await makeDom("div", async container => { container.appendChild(await makeDom("div", tip => { tip.style.fontWeight = "bold"; tip.innerHTML = ui.desc; })) container.appendChild(divider()); container.appendChild(await makeDom("div", async checkedlistdom => { checkedlistdom.className = "CKFOMAN-scroll-list"; checkedlistdom.style.width = "100%"; checkedlistdom.style.maxHeight = "calc(50vh - 100px)"; const checkedList = []; for (let uid of datas.checked) { if (uid in datas.mappings) checkedList.push(datas.mappings[uid]) } await renderListTo(checkedlistdom, checkedList, false); })) container.appendChild(await makeDom("div", async btns => { btns.style.display = "flex"; [ await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns red"; btn.innerHTML = "确认"; btn.onclick = async e => { if (datas.checked.length === 0) if(!cfg.I_KNOW_WHAT_IM_DOING)return alertModal("无需继续", "你没有选中任何项。", "确定"); const finalList = datas.checked; await alertModal("正在" + ui.action, `正在${ui.action}${finalList.length}个关注...`); const result = await batchOperateUser(finalList, isBlock?RELE_ACTION.BLOCK:RELE_ACTION.FOLLOW); if (result.ok) { await alertModal(ui.action + "完成", `${finalList.length}个关注全部${ui.action}成功!`, "确定"); return createMainWindow(true); } else { if ("data" in result) { if (result.data !== null && "failed_fids" in result.data) await alertModal(ui.action + "完成,但部分失败", `尝试${ui.action}了${finalList.length}个关注,但是有${result.data.failed_fids.length}个${ui.action}失败:
`, "确定"); else await alertModal(ui.action + "失败", `尝试${ui.action}了${finalList.length}个关注但失败了,原因:
`, "确定"); return createMainWindow(true); } else { await alertModal(ui.action + "失败", `尝试${ui.action}了${finalList.length}个关注但失败了,原因:
`, "确定"); return createMainWindow(true); } } } }), await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"; btn.innerHTML = "取消"; btn.onclick = e => hideModal(); }), ].forEach(el => btns.appendChild(el)); })) })) } const createOtherSpaceAlert = () => cfg.I_KNOW_WHAT_IM_DOING||alertModal("无法执行操作", "此功能只能在你的个人空间使用,当前是在别人的空间。", "确定"); const createUnfollowModal = async () => { refreshChecked(); if (datas.checked.length === 0) { if(!cfg.I_KNOW_WHAT_IM_DOING)alertModal("取消关注", `你没有勾选任何人,所以无法取关。请勾选后再点击取关按钮。`, "知道了") } else hideModal(); await wait(300); openModal("取关这些Up?", await makeDom("div", async container => { container.appendChild(await makeDom("div", tip => { tip.style.color = "red"; tip.style.fontWeight = "bold"; tip.innerHTML = `请注意,一旦你确认这个操作,没有任何方法可以撤销!
就算你重新关注,也算是新粉丝的哦!`; })) container.appendChild(await makeDom("div", delaySettings => { delaySettings.style.color = "blue"; delaySettings.style.fontWeight = "bold"; delaySettings.innerHTML = `操作间隔:`; })) container.appendChild(divider()); container.appendChild(await makeDom("div", async unfolistdom => { unfolistdom.className = "CKFOMAN-scroll-list"; unfolistdom.style.width = "100%"; unfolistdom.style.maxHeight = "calc(50vh - 100px)"; const unfolist = []; for (let unfoid of datas.checked) { if (unfoid in datas.mappings) unfolist.push(datas.mappings[unfoid]) } await renderListTo(unfolistdom, unfolist, false); })) container.appendChild(await makeDom("div", async btns => { btns.style.display = "flex"; [ await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns red"; btn.innerHTML = "确认"; btn.onclick = e => { const delayDom = get("#CKFOMAN-form-delay"); if(delayDom) { try{ let delay = parseFloat(delayDom.value); datas.settings.batchOperationDelay = Math.max(delay,0); }catch{} } doUnfollowChecked() } }), await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"; btn.innerHTML = "取消"; btn.onclick = e => hideModal(); }), ].forEach(el => btns.appendChild(el)); })) })) } const applyFilters = async config => {// TODO: pending a code refactor setInfoBar(`正在处理 ...`); await alertModal("请稍等", "正在应用选择的筛选器..."); const cfg = { clear: config.clear || "0", invalid: config.invalid || "-2", vip: config.vip || "-2", official: config.official || "-2", fans: config.fans || "-2", groups: config.groups || "-4", special: config.special || "-2", beforetime: { enabled: config.beforetime.enabled || false, before: config.beforetime.before || (new Date).getTime() }, aftertime: { enabled: config.aftertime.enabled || false, after: config.aftertime.after || 0 } }; if ( cfg.clear === "0" && cfg.invalid === "-2" && cfg.vip === "-2" && cfg.official === "-2" && cfg.fans === "-2" && cfg.groups === "-4" && cfg.special === "-2" && cfg.beforetime.enabled === false && cfg.aftertime.enabled === false ) { resetInfoBar(); return; } if (cfg.clear === "0") { datas.checked = []; } const filters = {}; if (cfg.invalid !== "-2") { filters.invalid = cfg.invalid === "1"; } if (cfg.vip !== "-2") { filters.vip = cfg.vip; } if (cfg.official !== "-2") { filters.official = cfg.official; } if (cfg.fans !== "-2") { filters.fans = cfg.fans; } if (cfg.special !== "-2") { filters.special = cfg.special; } if (cfg.groups !== "-4") { filters.groups = cfg.groups; } if (cfg.beforetime.enabled) { filters.beforetime = parseInt(cfg.beforetime.before); } if (cfg.aftertime.enabled) { filters.aftertime = parseInt(cfg.aftertime.after); } let checked = []; try { userloop: for (let mid in datas.mappings) { const uid = parseInt(mid); const user = datas.mappings[mid]; log(uid, user); for (let filter in filters) { const value = filters[filter]; switch (filter) { case "invalid": if (isInvalid(user) !== value) continue userloop; break; case "vip": if (user.vip.vipType != value) continue userloop; break; case "official": if (user.official_verify.type != value) continue userloop; break; case "fans": if (user.attribute == value) continue userloop; break; case "special": if (user.special != value) continue userloop; break; case "groups": switch (value) { case "-3": if (user.tag !== null) continue userloop; break; case "-2": if (user.tag === null) continue userloop; break; default: if (!((user.tag instanceof Array) && user.tag.includes(parseInt(value)))) continue userloop; } break; case "beforetime": if (parseInt(user.mtime + "000") > value) continue userloop; break; case "aftertime": if (parseInt(user.mtime + "000") < value) continue userloop; break; } } checked.push(uid); if (!datas.checked.includes(uid) && !datas.checked.includes(uid + "")) { datas.checked.push(uid); } } setInfoBar("正在将筛选应用到列表..."); await wait(1); datas.followings.forEach(it=>toggleSwitch(it.mid,datas.checked.includes(parseInt(it.mid)))); setInfoBar("正在按已选中优先排序..."); await wait(1); datas.followings.sort((x, y) => { const xint = (datas.checked.includes(x.mid + "") || datas.checked.includes(parseInt(x.mid))) ? 1 : 0; const yint = (datas.checked.includes(y.mid + "") || datas.checked.includes(parseInt(y.mid))) ? 1 : 0; return yint - xint; }) await renderListTo(get("#CKFOMAN-MAINLIST"),datas.followings,true); hideModal(); } catch (e) { alertModal("抱歉", "筛选时出现错误,未能完成筛选。"); log(e); } resetInfoBar(); return checked; } const createMainWindow = async (forceRefetch = false) => { showPanel(); setInfoBar("正在准备获取关注数据..."); await createScreen(await makeDom("div", dom => { dom.style.position = "fixed"; dom.style.left = "50%"; dom.style.top = "50%"; dom.style.transform = "translate(-50%,-50%)"; dom.style.textAlign = "center"; dom.innerHTML = `


请稍等片刻,不要关闭窗口。`; })); if (!(await cacheGroupList())) alertModal("警告", "分组数据获取失败。", "确定"); return getFollowings(forceRefetch) .then(async () => { return createScreen(await makeDom("div", async screen => { const toolbar = await makeDom("div", async toolbar => { toolbar.style.display = "flex"; toolbar.appendChild(await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"; btn.innerHTML = '批量操作 '; //btn.style.background = "#e91e63"; btn.onclick = async e => { await openModal("批量操作", await makeDom("div", async container => { container.style.alignContent = "stretch"; [ datas.isSelf?await makeDom("button", async btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"; btn.style.margin = "4px 0"; btn.innerHTML = '取关选中'; btn.onclick = () => createUnfollowModal(); }):null, datas.isSelf?await makeDom("button", async btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"; btn.style.margin = "4px 0"; btn.innerHTML = '复制到分组'; btn.onclick = () => createGroupChangeModal('copy'); }):null, datas.isSelf?await makeDom("button", async btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"; btn.style.margin = "4px 0"; btn.innerHTML = '修改分组'; btn.onclick = () => createGroupChangeModal('move'); }):null, await makeDom("button", async btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"; btn.style.margin = "4px 0"; btn.innerHTML = '批量拉黑(测试)'; btn.onclick = () => createBlockOrFollowModal(true); }), (() => { if (!datas.isSelf) { return makeDom("button", async btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"; btn.style.margin = "4px 0"; btn.innerHTML = '批量关注(测试)'; btn.onclick = () => createBlockOrFollowModal(false); }) } else return null; })(), divider(), await makeDom("button", async btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"; btn.innerHTML = '返回'; btn.onclick = () => hideModal(); }), ].forEach(el => el && container.appendChild(el)); })); }; })) toolbar.appendChild(await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"; btn.innerHTML = '全选'; btn.onclick = e => { setInfoBar("正在处理全选..."); const all = getAll(".CKFOMAN-data-inforow-toggle"); if (all) { [...all].forEach(it => { it.checked = true; it.onchange(); }); } refreshChecked(); resetInfoBar(); } })) toolbar.appendChild(await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"; btn.innerHTML = '反选'; btn.onclick = e => { setInfoBar("正在处理反选..."); const all = getAll(".CKFOMAN-data-inforow-toggle"); if (all) { [...all].forEach(it => { it.checked = !it.checked; it.onchange(); }); } refreshChecked(); resetInfoBar(); } })) toolbar.appendChild(await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"; btn.innerHTML = '全不选'; btn.onclick = e => { setInfoBar("正在处理取选..."); const all = getAll(".CKFOMAN-data-inforow-toggle"); if (all) { [...all].forEach(it => { it.checked = false; it.onchange(); }); } refreshChecked(); resetInfoBar(); } })) toolbar.appendChild(await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"; btn.innerHTML = '间选'; btn.onclick = e => { setInfoBar("正在处理间选..."); const all = getAll(".CKFOMAN-data-inforow-toggle"); if (all) { let shouldCheck = false; for (let el of [...all]) { if (el.checked === true) { shouldCheck = !shouldCheck; } else { if (shouldCheck) setToggleStatus(el.getAttribute("data-targetmid"), true); } } } resetInfoBar(); } })) toolbar.appendChild(await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"; btn.innerHTML = '筛选 '; btn.onclick = async e => { //alertModal("施工中", "此功能尚未实现!", "返回"); openModal("筛选", await makeDom("div", async container => { const filtersid = "CKFOMAN-filters"; [ await makeDom("div", async tip => { tip.innerHTML = "勾选要生效的筛选器" }), cfg.enableNewModules?await makeDom("div", async tip => { tip.innerHTML = "👉尝鲜新版筛选器"; tip.style.color = "#00a0e9"; tip.onclick = () => openNewFilterGuideScreen(); }):null, divider(), await makeDom("form", async filters => { filters.id = filtersid; filters.style.display = "flex"; filters.style.textAlign = "center"; filters.style.flexDirection = "column"; filters.style.flexWrap = "nowrap"; filters.style.alignContent = "center"; filters.style.justifyContent = "space-between"; filters.style.alignItems = "stretch"; [ await makeDom("select", async select => { select.id = filtersid + "-clear"; select.name = "val-clear"; [ await makeDom("option", opt => { opt.value = "0"; opt.innerHTML = "应用筛选器时取消已选择项目" }), await makeDom("option", opt => { opt.value = "1"; opt.innerHTML = "应用筛选器时保留已选择项目" }), ].forEach(s => select.appendChild(s)); }), await makeDom("div", div => div.innerHTML = "+"), await makeDom("select", async select => { select.id = filtersid + "-invalid"; select.name = "val-invalid"; [ await makeDom("option", opt => { opt.value = "-2"; opt.innerHTML = "不使用注销账户选择器" }), await makeDom("option", opt => { opt.value = "0"; opt.innerHTML = "正常账户" }), await makeDom("option", opt => { opt.value = "1"; opt.innerHTML = "已注销账户" }), ].forEach(s => select.appendChild(s)); }), await makeDom("div", div => div.innerHTML = "+"), await makeDom("select", async select => { select.id = filtersid + "-special"; select.name = "val-special"; [ await makeDom("option", opt => { opt.value = "-2"; opt.innerHTML = "不使用特别关注选择器" }), await makeDom("option", opt => { opt.value = "0"; opt.innerHTML = "非特别关注" if(!datas.isSelf) opt.disabled = true; }), await makeDom("option", opt => { opt.value = "1"; opt.innerHTML = "特别关注" if(!datas.isSelf) opt.disabled = true; }), ].forEach(s => select.appendChild(s)); }), await makeDom("div", div => div.innerHTML = "+"), await makeDom("select", async select => { select.id = filtersid + "-vip"; select.name = "val-vip"; [ await makeDom("option", opt => { opt.value = "-2"; opt.innerHTML = "不使用会员选择器" }), await makeDom("option", opt => { opt.value = "0"; opt.innerHTML = "没有大会员的用户" }), await makeDom("option", opt => { opt.value = "1"; opt.innerHTML = "月度大会员用户" }), await makeDom("option", opt => { opt.value = "6"; opt.innerHTML = "年度大会员用户" }), ].forEach(s => select.appendChild(s)); }), await makeDom("div", div => div.innerHTML = "+"), await makeDom("select", async select => { select.id = filtersid + "-official"; select.name = "val-official"; [ await makeDom("option", opt => { opt.value = "-2"; opt.innerHTML = "不使用认证账户选择器" }), await makeDom("option", opt => { opt.value = "0"; opt.innerHTML = "没有认证的用户" }), await makeDom("option", opt => { opt.value = "1"; opt.innerHTML = "认证用户" }), ].forEach(s => select.appendChild(s)); }), await makeDom("div", div => div.innerHTML = "+"), await makeDom("select", async select => { select.id = filtersid + "-fans"; select.name = "val-fans"; [ await makeDom("option", opt => { opt.value = "-2"; opt.innerHTML = "不使用互粉选择器" }), await makeDom("option", opt => { opt.value = "2"; opt.innerHTML = "单项关注的用户" if(!datas.isSelf) opt.disabled = true; }), await makeDom("option", opt => { opt.value = "6"; opt.innerHTML = "互粉用户" if(!datas.isSelf) opt.disabled = true; }), ].forEach(s => select.appendChild(s)); }), await makeDom("div", div => div.innerHTML = "+"), await makeDom("select", async select => { select.id = filtersid + "-groups"; select.name = "val-groups"; [ await makeDom("option", opt => { opt.value = "-4"; opt.innerHTML = "不使用分组选择器" }), await makeDom("option", opt => { opt.value = "-3"; opt.innerHTML = "没有分组的用户" if(!datas.isSelf) opt.disabled = true; }), await makeDom("option", opt => { opt.value = "-2"; opt.innerHTML = "已有分组的用户" if(!datas.isSelf) opt.disabled = true; }), ].forEach(s => select.appendChild(s)); if (datas.isSelf && Object.keys(datas.tags).length > 0) { select.appendChild(await makeDom("option", opt => { opt.innerHTML = "------------"; opt.disabled = true; })); for (let tag of Object.values(datas.tags)) { select.appendChild(await makeDom("option", opt => { opt.innerHTML = tag.name; opt.value = tag.tagid; })) } } }), divider(), await makeDom("label", async label => { label.setAttribute("for", filtersid + "-beforetime"); label.innerHTML = "在什么时间前关注:"; }), await makeDom("input", async choose => { choose.id = filtersid + "-beforetime"; choose.name = "val-beforetime"; choose.setAttribute("type", "datetime-local"); }), divider(), await makeDom("label", async label => { label.setAttribute("for", filtersid + "-aftertime"); label.innerHTML = "在什么时间后关注:"; }), await makeDom("input", async choose => { choose.id = filtersid + "-aftertime"; choose.name = "val-aftertime"; choose.setAttribute("type", "datetime-local"); }), ].forEach(el => filters.appendChild(el)); }), divider(), await makeDom("div", async btns => { btns.style.display = "flex"; btns.style.flexDirection = "row"; btns.style.flexWrap = "nowrap"; btns.style.alignContent = "stretch"; btns.style.justifyContent = "space-around"; btns.style.alignItems = "stretch"; [ await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"; btn.innerHTML = "应用"; btn.onclick = async () => { const form = get("#" + filtersid); const config = { clear: form['val-clear'].value + "", invalid: form['val-invalid'].value + "", vip: form['val-vip'].value + "", official: form['val-official'].value + "", fans: form['val-fans'].value + "", groups: form['val-groups'].value + "", special: form['val-special'].value + "", beforetime: { enabled: form['val-beforetime'].value.length > 0, before: form['val-beforetime'].valueAsNumber }, aftertime: { enabled: form['val-aftertime'].value.length > 0, after: form['val-aftertime'].valueAsNumber } }; await applyFilters(config); hideModal(); } }), await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"; btn.innerHTML = "取消"; btn.onclick = () => hideModal(); }), ].forEach(el => btns.appendChild(el)); }) ].forEach(el => el&&container.appendChild(el)); })) } })) toolbar.appendChild(await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"; btn.innerHTML = '排序 '; btn.onclick = async e => { openModal("选择排序方式", await makeDom("div", async select => { select.style.alignContent = "stretch"; select.style.flexDirection = "row"; select.id = "CKFOMAN-sortbtns-container"; [ await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns CKFOMAN-sortbtns"; btn.innerHTML = "已选中优先"; btn.onclick = async e => { setInfoBar("正在按已选中优先排序..."); await alertModal("正在排序...", "请稍等..."); refreshChecked(); datas.followings.sort((x, y) => { const xint = (datas.checked.includes(x.mid + "") || datas.checked.includes(parseInt(x.mid))) ? 1 : 0; const yint = (datas.checked.includes(y.mid + "") || datas.checked.includes(parseInt(y.mid))) ? 1 : 0; return yint - xint; }) await renderListTo(get("#CKFOMAN-MAINLIST"),datas.followings,true); hideModal(); } }), await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns CKFOMAN-sortbtns"; btn.innerHTML = "按最新关注"; btn.onclick = async e => { setInfoBar("正在按最新关注排序..."); await alertModal("正在排序...", "请稍等..."); refreshChecked(); datas.followings.sort((x, y) => parseInt(y.mtime) - parseInt(x.mtime)) await renderListTo(get("#CKFOMAN-MAINLIST"),datas.followings,true); hideModal(); } }), await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns CKFOMAN-sortbtns"; btn.innerHTML = "按最早关注"; btn.onclick = async e => { setInfoBar("正在按最早关注排序..."); await alertModal("正在排序...", "请稍等..."); refreshChecked(); datas.followings.sort((x, y) => parseInt(x.mtime) - parseInt(y.mtime)) await renderListTo(get("#CKFOMAN-MAINLIST")); hideModal(); } }), await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns CKFOMAN-sortbtns"; btn.innerHTML = "大会员优先"; btn.onclick = async e => { setInfoBar("正在按大会员优先排序..."); await alertModal("正在排序...", "请稍等..."); refreshChecked(); datas.followings.sort((x, y) => parseInt(y.vip.vipType) - parseInt(x.vip.vipType)) await renderListTo(get("#CKFOMAN-MAINLIST"),datas.followings,true); hideModal(); } }), await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns CKFOMAN-sortbtns"; btn.innerHTML = "无会员优先"; btn.onclick = async e => { setInfoBar("正在按无会员优先排序..."); await alertModal("正在排序...", "请稍等..."); refreshChecked(); datas.followings.sort((x, y) => parseInt(x.vip.vipType) - parseInt(y.vip.vipType)) await renderListTo(get("#CKFOMAN-MAINLIST"),datas.followings,true); hideModal(); } }), await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns CKFOMAN-sortbtns"; btn.innerHTML = "认证优先"; btn.onclick = async e => { setInfoBar("正在按认证优先排序..."); await alertModal("正在排序...", "请稍等..."); refreshChecked(); datas.followings.sort((x, y) => parseInt(y.official_verify.type) - parseInt(x.official_verify.type)) await renderListTo(get("#CKFOMAN-MAINLIST"),datas.followings,true); hideModal(); } }), await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns CKFOMAN-sortbtns"; btn.innerHTML = "无认证优先"; btn.onclick = async e => { setInfoBar("正在按无认证优先排序..."); await alertModal("正在排序...", "请稍等..."); refreshChecked(); datas.followings.sort((x, y) => parseInt(x.official_verify.type) - parseInt(y.official_verify.type)) await renderListTo(get("#CKFOMAN-MAINLIST"),datas.followings,true); hideModal(); } }), await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns CKFOMAN-sortbtns"; btn.innerHTML = "已注销优先"; btn.onclick = async e => { setInfoBar("正在按已注销优先排序..."); await alertModal("正在排序...", "请稍等..."); refreshChecked(); datas.followings.sort((x, y) => { const xint = isInvalid(x) ? 1 : 0; const yint = isInvalid(y) ? 1 : 0; return yint - xint; }) await renderListTo(get("#CKFOMAN-MAINLIST"),datas.followings,true); hideModal(); } }), await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns CKFOMAN-sortbtns"; btn.innerHTML = "特别关注优先"; btn.onclick = async e => { setInfoBar("正在按特别关注优先排序..."); await alertModal("正在排序...", "请稍等..."); refreshChecked(); datas.followings.sort((x, y) => parseInt(y.special) - parseInt(x.special)) await renderListTo(get("#CKFOMAN-MAINLIST"),datas.followings,true); hideModal(); } }), await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns CKFOMAN-sortbtns"; btn.innerHTML = "互相关注优先"; btn.onclick = async e => { setInfoBar("正在按互相关注优先排序..."); await alertModal("正在排序...", "请稍等..."); refreshChecked(); datas.followings.sort((x, y) => parseInt(y.attribute) - parseInt(x.attribute)) await renderListTo(get("#CKFOMAN-MAINLIST"),datas.followings,true); hideModal(); } }), //divider(), await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns CKFOMAN-sortbtns"; btn.innerHTML = "不修改 | 取消"; btn.onclick = e => hideModal(); }) ].forEach(el => select.appendChild(el)); })); } })) toolbar.appendChild(await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"; btn.innerHTML = '更多 '; btn.onclick = async e => { openModal("更多...", await makeDom("div", async select => { select.style.alignContent = "stretch"; [ await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"; btn.style.margin = "4px 0"; btn.innerHTML = "快速选中..."; btn.onclick = async e => { hideModal(); await wait(300); openModal("快速选中", await makeDom("div", async select => { select.style.alignContent = "stretch"; [ await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"; btn.style.margin = "4px 0"; btn.innerHTML = "加选: 悄悄关注用户"; btn.onclick = async e => { setInfoBar("正在处理加选"); await alertModal("正在处理...", "请稍等..."); for (let d of datas.followings) { if (d.attribut===1||d.isWhisper) { toggleSwitch(d.mid, true); } } resetInfoBar(); hideModal(); } }), await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"; btn.style.margin = "4px 0"; btn.innerHTML = "加选: 所有已注销用户"; btn.onclick = async e => { setInfoBar("正在处理加选"); await alertModal("正在处理...", "请稍等..."); for (let d of datas.followings) { if (isInvalid(d)) { toggleSwitch(d.mid, true); } } resetInfoBar(); hideModal(); } }), await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"; btn.style.margin = "4px 0"; btn.innerHTML = "加选: 所有两年前的关注"; btn.onclick = async e => { setInfoBar("正在处理加选"); await alertModal("正在处理...", "请稍等..."); for (let d of datas.followings) { if (isLongAgo(d.mtime)) { toggleSwitch(d.mid, true); } } resetInfoBar(); hideModal(); } }), await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"; btn.style.margin = "4px 0"; btn.innerHTML = "加选: 所有两个月内的关注"; btn.onclick = async e => { setInfoBar("正在处理加选"); await alertModal("正在处理...", "请稍等..."); for (let d of datas.followings) { if (isNearly(d.mtime)) { toggleSwitch(d.mid, true); } } resetInfoBar(); hideModal(); } }), divider(), await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"; btn.style.margin = "4px 0"; btn.innerHTML = "减选: 悄悄关注"; btn.onclick = async e => { setInfoBar("正在处理减选"); await alertModal("正在处理...", "请稍等..."); for (let d of datas.followings) { if (d.attribute===1||d.isWhisper) { toggleSwitch(d.mid, false); } } resetInfoBar(); hideModal(); } }), await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"; btn.style.margin = "4px 0"; btn.innerHTML = "减选: 所有两年前的关注"; btn.onclick = async e => { setInfoBar("正在处理减选"); await alertModal("正在处理...", "请稍等..."); for (let d of datas.followings) { if (isLongAgo(d.mtime)) { toggleSwitch(d.mid, false); } } resetInfoBar(); hideModal(); } }), await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"; btn.style.margin = "4px 0"; btn.innerHTML = "减选: 所有两个月内的关注"; btn.onclick = async e => { setInfoBar("正在处理减选"); await alertModal("正在处理...", "请稍等..."); for (let d of datas.followings) { if (isNearly(d.mtime)) { toggleSwitch(d.mid, false); } } resetInfoBar(); hideModal(); } }), await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"; btn.style.margin = "4px 0"; btn.innerHTML = "减选: 所有有大会员的关注"; btn.onclick = async e => { setInfoBar("正在处理减选"); await alertModal("正在处理...", "请稍等..."); const hasVIP = d => { return d.vip.vipType !== 0; } for (let d of datas.followings) { if (hasVIP(d)) { toggleSwitch(d.mid, false); } } resetInfoBar(); hideModal(); } }), await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"; btn.style.margin = "4px 0"; btn.innerHTML = "减选: 所有认证账号的关注"; btn.onclick = async e => { setInfoBar("正在处理减选"); await alertModal("正在处理...", "请稍等..."); const isVerified = d => { return d.official_verify.type > 0; } for (let d of datas.followings) { if (isVerified(d)) { toggleSwitch(d.mid, false); } } resetInfoBar(); hideModal(); } }), await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"; btn.style.margin = "4px 0"; btn.innerHTML = "减选: 所有特别关注的关注"; btn.onclick = async e => { setInfoBar("正在处理减选"); await alertModal("正在处理...", "请稍等..."); const isSpecial = d => { return d.special === 1; } for (let d of datas.followings) { if (isSpecial(d)) { toggleSwitch(d.mid, false); } } resetInfoBar(); hideModal(); } }), await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"; btn.style.margin = "4px 0"; btn.innerHTML = "减选: 所有互相关注的关注"; btn.onclick = async e => { setInfoBar("正在处理减选"); await alertModal("正在处理...", "请稍等..."); for (let d of datas.followings) { if (isFans(d)) { toggleSwitch(d.mid, false); } } resetInfoBar(); hideModal(); } }), await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"; btn.style.margin = "4px 0"; btn.innerHTML = "减选: 所有有分组的关注"; btn.onclick = async e => { setInfoBar("正在处理减选"); await alertModal("正在处理...", "请稍等..."); const hasGroup = d => { return d.tag !== null; } for (let d of datas.followings) { if (hasGroup(d)) { toggleSwitch(d.mid, false); } } resetInfoBar(); hideModal(); } }), divider(), await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"; btn.style.margin = "4px 0"; btn.innerHTML = "不修改 | 取消"; btn.onclick = e => hideModal(); }) ].forEach(el => select.appendChild(el)); })); } }), divider(), await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"; btn.style.margin = "4px 0"; btn.innerHTML = "管理分组 (增加/删除) (Beta)"; if (!datas.isSelf) { btn.classList.add("grey"); btn.disabled = true; btn.title = "非个人空间,无法操作。"; btn.onclick = () => createOtherSpaceAlert(); } else btn.onclick = e => createGroupInfoModal(); }), divider(), await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"; btn.style.margin = "4px 0"; refreshChecked(); if (datas.checked.length > 0) btn.innerHTML = "导出所有选中的UID列表..." else btn.innerHTML = "导出所有关注的UID列表..."; btn.onclick = async e => { let list; if (datas.checked.length > 0) list = datas.checked.join(','); else list = Object.keys(datas.mappings).join(','); let mtitle = ""; if(await copy(list)){ mtitle+="✅ 内容已经自动复制到剪贴板, 你可以粘贴到别处"; }else{ mtitle+="请单击列表并按Ctrl+C手动复制"; } unsafeWindow.CKFOMAN_EXPORTUIDS = list; unsafeWindow.CKFOMAN_EXPORTTOFILE = ()=>{ download("export_uids.txt",unsafeWindow.CKFOMAN_EXPORTUIDS); } mtitle+=`,或者:` await alertModal("导出UID", ` ${mtitle}
`, "确定"); resetInfoBar(); } }), await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"; btn.style.margin = "4px 0"; refreshChecked(); if (datas.checked.length > 0) btn.innerHTML = "导出所有选中的UID结构数据..." else btn.innerHTML = "导出所有关注的UID结构数据..."; btn.onclick = async e => { let list; if (datas.checked.length > 0) list = datas.checked//listdom; else list = Object.keys(datas.mappings); const mapToObj = (uid)=>{ if(datas.mappings.hasOwnProperty(+uid)){ const {mid,name,uname,tag} = datas.mappings[+uid]; let tags = tag?.map(t=>datas.tags[t]?.name??null).filter(t=>!!t); return {mid,name:name??uname??'',tag:tags??[]}; }else return null; } let infoList = list.map(it=>mapToObj(it)).filter(it=>!!it); let copyList = JSON.stringify(infoList); let mtitle = ""; if(await copy(copyList)){ mtitle+="✅ 内容已经自动复制到剪贴板, 你可以粘贴到别处"; }else{ mtitle+="请单击列表并按Ctrl+C手动复制"; } unsafeWindow.CKFOMAN_EXPORTUIDS = copyList; unsafeWindow.CKFOMAN_EXPORTTOFILE = ()=>{ download("export_uids.json",unsafeWindow.CKFOMAN_EXPORTUIDS); } mtitle+=`,或者:` await alertModal("导出UID结构数据", ` ${mtitle}
`, "确定"); resetInfoBar(); } }), await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"; btn.style.margin = "4px 0"; refreshChecked(); if (datas.checked.length > 0) btn.innerHTML = "导出所有被选中的UP的当前缓存数据..." else btn.innerHTML = "导出所有关注的UP的当前缓存数据..."; btn.onclick = async e => { let list; if (datas.checked.length > 0) list = datas.checked;//listdom; else list = Object.keys(datas.mappings); const mapToObj = (uid) => { try { console.log(1001,{uid}) if (datas.mappings.hasOwnProperty(+uid)) { const full = datas.mappings[+uid]; let tags = full.tag?.map(t => datas.tags[t]?.name ?? null).filter(t => !!t); return { ...full, tag: tags ?? [] }; } else return null; } catch (err) { console.error('e!!',err); return null; } } let infoList = list.map(it=>mapToObj(it)).filter(it=>!!it); let copyList = JSON.stringify(infoList); let mtitle = ""; if(await copy(copyList)){ mtitle+="✅ 内容已经自动复制到剪贴板, 你可以粘贴到别处"; }else{ mtitle+="请单击列表并按Ctrl+C手动复制"; } unsafeWindow.CKFOMAN_EXPORTUIDS = copyList; unsafeWindow.CKFOMAN_EXPORTTOFILE = ()=>{ download("export_userdetails.json",unsafeWindow.CKFOMAN_EXPORTUIDS); } mtitle+=`,或者:` await alertModal("导出完整缓存数据", ` ${mtitle}
`, "确定"); resetInfoBar(); } }), await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"; btn.style.margin = "4px 0"; btn.innerHTML = "从UID列表导入关注..."; if (!datas.isSelf) { btn.classList.add("grey"); btn.disabled = true; btn.title = "非个人空间,无法操作。"; btn.onclick = () => createOtherSpaceAlert(); } else btn.onclick = async e => { hideModal(); await wait(300); openModal("导入UID", await makeDom("div", async modaldiv => { [ await makeDom("tip", tip => tip.innerHTML = "请输入导入的UID列表,用英文半角逗号','分割"), await makeDom("textarea", input => { input.id = "CKFOMAN-import-textarea"; input.placeholder = "1111111,2222222,3333333..." }), divider(), await makeDom("div", async btns => { btns.style.display = "flex"; [ await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns orange"; btn.innerHTML = "批量关注"; btn.onclick = async e => { const value = get("#CKFOMAN-import-textarea").value; if (value.length === 0) { await alertModal("无法导入", "空白数据", "确定"); return; } setInfoBar("正在验证导入"); await alertModal("正在导入", "正在处理刚刚输入的列表,请稍等..."); const parts = value.split(','); const finalList = []; const followed = Object.keys(datas.mappings); for (let part of parts) { if (part.trim().length === 0) { log(part, "is empty, skipped"); } else if (part.trim().match(/[^0-9]/) === null) { const int = parseInt(part.trim()); if (followed.includes(int) || followed.includes(int + "")) { log(part, "has already followed, skipped"); } else if (int <= 0) { log(part, "smaller than zero, skipped"); } else { finalList.push(int); } } else { log(part, "is not a number, skipped"); } } await alertModal("正在导入", `正在导入${finalList.length}个关注...`); const result = await batchOperateUser(finalList, RELE_ACTION.FOLLOW); if (result.ok) { await alertModal("导入完成", `${finalList.length}个关注全部导入成功!`, "确定"); return createMainWindow(true); } else { if ("data" in result) { if (result.data !== null && "failed_fids" in result.data) await alertModal("导入完成,但部分失败", `尝试导入了${finalList.length}个关注,但是有${result.data.failed_fids.length}个导入失败:
`, "确定"); else await alertModal("导入失败", `尝试导入了${finalList.length}个关注但失败了,原因:
`, "确定"); return createMainWindow(true); } else { await alertModal("导入失败", `尝试导入了${finalList.length}个关注但失败了,原因:
`, "确定"); return createMainWindow(true); } } }; }), await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"; btn.innerHTML = "取消操作"; btn.onclick = e => hideModal(); }) ].forEach(el => btns.appendChild(el)); }) ].forEach(el => modaldiv.appendChild(el)); })); } }), await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"; btn.style.margin = "4px 0"; btn.innerHTML = "基于UID列表批量取关..."; if (!datas.isSelf) { btn.classList.add("grey"); btn.disabled = true; btn.title = "非个人空间,无法操作。"; btn.onclick = () => createOtherSpaceAlert(); } else btn.onclick = async e => { hideModal(); await wait(300); openModal("取关UID", await makeDom("div", async modaldiv => { [ await makeDom("tip", tip => tip.innerHTML = "请输入取关的UID列表,用英文半角逗号','分割"), await makeDom("textarea", input => { input.id = "CKFOMAN-import-textarea"; input.placeholder = "1111111,2222222,3333333..." }), divider(), await makeDom("div", async btns => { btns.style.display = "flex"; [ await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns orange"; btn.innerHTML = "批量取关"; btn.onclick = async e => { const value = get("#CKFOMAN-import-textarea").value; if (value.length === 0) { await alertModal("无法取关", "空白数据", "确定"); return; } setInfoBar("正在验证数据"); await alertModal("正在取关", "正在处理刚刚输入的列表,请稍等..."); const parts = value.split(','); const finalList = []; const followed = Object.keys(datas.mappings); for (let part of parts) { if (part.trim().length === 0) { log(part, "is empty, skipped"); } else if (part.trim().match(/[^0-9]/) === null) { const int = parseInt(part.trim()); if (!followed.includes(int) && !followed.includes(int + "")) { log(part, "has not been followed, skipped"); } else if (int <= 0) { log(part, "smaller than zero, skipped"); } else { finalList.push(int); } } else { log(part, "is not a number, skipped"); } } await alertModal("正在取关", `正在取消${finalList.length}个关注...`); const result = await unfollowUsers(finalList); if (result.ok) { await alertModal("批量取关完成", `${finalList.length}个关注全部取关成功!`, "确定"); return createMainWindow(true); } else { if ("data" in result) { if (result.data !== null && "failed_fids" in result.data) await alertModal("批量取关完成,但部分失败", `尝试移除了${finalList.length}个关注,但是有${result.data.failed_fids.length}个移除失败:
`, "确定"); else await alertModal("批量取关失败", `尝试移除了${finalList.length}个关注但失败了,原因:
`, "确定"); return createMainWindow(true); } else { await alertModal("批量取关失败", `尝试移除了${finalList.length}个关注但失败了,原因:
`, "确定"); return createMainWindow(true); } } }; }), await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"; btn.innerHTML = "取消操作"; btn.onclick = e => hideModal(); }) ].forEach(el => btns.appendChild(el)); }) ].forEach(el => modaldiv.appendChild(el)); })); } }), divider(), await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"; btn.style.margin = "4px 0"; btn.innerHTML = "重新载入列表"; btn.onclick = async e => { await alertModal("重新载入列表", "正在重新载入列表。此重载不会重新获取数据。"); datas.dommappings = {}; await renderListTo(get("#CKFOMAN-MAINLIST"),datas.followings,false); resetInfoBar(); hideModal(); } }), await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"; btn.style.margin = "4px 0"; btn.innerHTML = "重新载入数据"; btn.onclick = async e => { await alertModal("重新载入数据", "正在重新载入数据和列表。将会重新获取所有数据。"); datas.dommappings = {}; await createMainWindow(true); hideModal(); } }), await makeDom("div", div => { div.style.margin = "4px 0"; const size = CacheManager.getSize(); div.innerHTML = "ℹ 本地缓存空间已占用 " + size + " MB。"; if(size < 1.8){ div.innerHTML += "无需处理。定期整理缓存可以减少空间占用。"; }else if (size < 2.5) { div.innerHTML += "建议整理缓存。"; } else { div.innerHTML += "建议整理或清理缓存以避免缓存空间超出配额。"; } div.onclick = e => showCacheQuotaModal(); }), await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"; btn.style.margin = "4px 0"; btn.innerHTML = "整理缓存"; btn.onclick = async e => { await alertModal("整理缓存", "正在整理缓存并移除额外数据,稍后会重新加载。"); CacheManager.prune(); await alertModal("重新载入数据", "正在重新载入数据和列表。"); datas.dommappings = {}; await createMainWindow(); hideModal(); } }), await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"; btn.style.margin = "4px 0"; btn.innerHTML = "清空缓存"; btn.onclick = async e => { await alertModal("清空全部缓存", "正在清空全部缓存,稍后会自动重新加载所有数据。"); CacheManager.clean(); await alertModal("重新载入数据", "正在重新载入数据和列表。将会重新获取所有数据。"); datas.dommappings = {}; await createMainWindow(true); hideModal(); } }), await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"; btn.style.margin = "4px 0"; btn.innerHTML = "关于和反馈"; btn.onclick = async e => { await alertModal("关于 “关注管理器 FoMan”", (await makeDom("div", async div => { div.style.textAlign = "left"; div.style.width = "400px"; [ document.createElement("br"), await makeDom("i", i => { i.className = "mdi mdi-48px mdi-broom" i.style.color = "#0091ea"; i.style.textAlign = "center"; i.style.display = "block"; i.style.width = "fit-content"; i.style.margin = "0 auto"; }), document.createElement("br"), await makeDom("p", span => span.innerHTML = `版本: v${cfg.VERSION}
` + `License: GPLv3
` + `作者: CKylinMC` ), await makeDom("p", span => span.innerHTML = `脚本首页: GreasyFork | Github` ), divider(), await makeDom("p", span => span.innerHTML = `如果出现问题,请前往GreasyFork反馈区或Github Issues进行反馈,如果好用,还请给我一个好评!十分感谢!` ), document.createElement("br"), ].forEach(el => div.appendChild(el)); })).outerHTML, "确定"); resetInfoBar(); } }), divider(), await makeDom("button", btn => { btn.className = "CKFOMAN-toolbar-btns"; btn.style.margin = "4px 0"; btn.innerHTML = "返回"; btn.onclick = e => hideModal(); }) ].forEach(el => select.appendChild(el)); })); } })) }); const list = await makeDom("div", async list => { list.className = "CKFOMAN-scroll-list"; list.id = "CKFOMAN-MAINLIST"; await renderListTo(list,datas.followings,!forceRefetch); }) screen.appendChild(toolbar); screen.appendChild(list); })); }) .catch(async (e) => { log(e); setInfoBar(); let errtitle = "获取数据失败"; let errdesc = "请尝试刷新页面重试"; log(datas.fetchstat); switch(datas.fetchstat){ case "GUEST-LIMIT": errtitle = "访客限制"; errdesc = "由于访客限制,获取数据失败。" break; case "PERMS-DENIED": errtitle = "无权查看"; errdesc = "由于当前空间主人已设置访客不可见,因此无法查看到任何信息。" break; } createScreen(await makeDom("div", dom => { dom.style.position = "fixed"; dom.style.left = "50%"; dom.style.top = "50%"; dom.style.transform = "translate(-50%,-50%)"; dom.style.textAlign = "center"; dom.innerHTML = `


${errdesc}`; })); }) } const setToggleStatus = (mid, status = false, operateDom = true) => { if (operateDom) { const selection = getAll(`input.CKFOMAN-data-inforow-toggle[data-targetmid="${mid}"]`); if (selection) { for (let el of selection) { el.checked = status; } } } if (status) { if (!datas.checked.includes(mid + "") && !datas.checked.includes(parseInt(mid))) datas.checked.push(mid); } else { if (datas.checked.includes(mid + "")) datas.checked.splice(datas.checked.indexOf(mid + ""), 1); else if (datas.checked.includes(parseInt(mid))) datas.checked.splice(datas.checked.indexOf(parseInt(mid)), 1); } resetInfoBar(); } const renderListTo = async (dom, datalist = datas.followings, cacheAndreuse = false) => { setInfoBar("正在渲染列表..."); await wait(1); const isMainList = cacheAndreuse||datalist===datas.followings; dom.innerHTML = ''; const getDomForData = async it=>{ if(cacheAndreuse&&(datas.dommappings[it.mid+""]&& datas.dommappings[it.mid+""] instanceof HTMLElement)) return datas.dommappings[it.mid+""]; return upinfoline(it); } for (let it of datalist) { const upinfolinedom = await getDomForData(it); dom.appendChild(upinfolinedom); if(isMainList) datas.dommappings[it.mid+""] = upinfolinedom; } resetInfoBar(); } const renderTagListTo = async (dom,selectedId=[],cb = ()=>{},inManager = true) => { setInfoBar("正在渲染列表..."); await wait(100); dom.innerHTML = ''; for (let it of Object.values(datas.tags)) { log(it); dom.appendChild(await taginfoline(it,cb,selectedId.includes(it.tagid),inManager,inManager)); } resetInfoBar(); } const createScreen = async (content) => { getContainer().innerHTML = ''; getContainer().appendChild(content); } const callAlertWindow = () => { cfg.closedByBlocker++; if (cfg.I_KNOW_WHAT_IM_DOING) return hideModal(); cfg.disableCloseModalFromBlockWindow = true; const waitTimer = cfg.debug ? 10 : 5; alertModal("等一下,这不是正确的关闭方式!", `点击空白处可以关闭弹窗,但是有些窗口下这样可能会导致未知问题,请尽量减少使用此方式关闭弹窗。${cfg.debug ? "

修改脚本第53行附近的'I_KNOW_WHAT_IM_DOING:false'的false为true可以永久阻止此弹窗出现直到下一次更新。" : ""}

此消息每页面只会显示一次,此窗口 ${waitTimer} 秒后自动关闭。
`); wait(10).then(async () => { await CKTools.waitForDom('#CKFOMAN-TIMERPROGRESS'); const interval = setInterval(() => { const pg = CKTools.get('#CKFOMAN-TIMERPROGRESS'); if (!pg) return (log('pg not found',pg??null),clearInterval(interval)); pg.value = pg.value + (cfg.debug?1:2); if(pg>100) return (log('pg is full',pg??null),clearInterval(interval)); },100); }); wait((waitTimer * 1000)+100).then(() => { cfg.disableCloseModalFromBlockWindow = false; hideModal(); }); } const closeModalFromBlockWindow = () => { if (cfg.disableCloseModalFromBlockWindow) return; if (!cfg.closedByBlocker) { cfg.closedByBlocker = 1; } else if (cfg.closedByBlocker == 3) { callAlertWindow(); } else { cfg.closedByBlocker++; closeModal(); } } const blockWindow = (block = true) => { addStyle(` #CKFOMAN-blockWindow{ z-index: 99005; display: block; background: #00000080; opacity: 0; transition: all .3s; position: fixed; left: 0; top: 0; width: 100vw; height: 100vh; } #CKFOMAN-blockWindow.hide{ pointer-events: none; opacity: 0; } #CKFOMAN-blockWindow.show{ opacity: 1; } `, "CKFOMAN-blockWindow-css", "unique"); let dom = get("#CKFOMAN-blockWindow"); if (!dom) { dom = document.createElement("div"); dom.id = "CKFOMAN-blockWindow"; dom.className = "hide"; document.body.appendChild(dom); } dom.onclick = e => closeModalFromBlockWindow(); datas.preventUserCard = block; if (block) { dom.className = "show"; } else { dom.className = "hide"; } } const injectSideBtn = () => { addStyle(` #CKFOMAN-floatbtn{ box-sizing: border-box; z-index: 9999; position: fixed; left: -15px; width: 30px; height: 30px; background: black; opacity: 0.8; color: white; cursor: pointer; border-radius: 50%; text-align: right; line-height: 24px; border: solid 3px #00000000; transition: opacity .3s 1s, background .3s, color .3s, left .3s, border .3s; top: 120px; top: 30vh; } #CKFOMAN-floatbtn::after,#CKFOMAN-floatbtn::before{ z-index: 9990; content: "关注管理器"; pointer-events: none; position: fixed; left: -20px; height: 30px; background: black; opacity: 0; color: white; cursor: pointer; border-radius: 8px; padding: 0 12px; text-align: right; line-height: 30px; transition: all .3s; top: 123px; top: 30vh; } #CKFOMAN-floatbtn::after{ content: "← 关注管理器"; animation:CKFOMAN-tipsOut forwards 5s 3.5s; } #CKFOMAN-floatbtn:hover::before{ left: 30px; opacity: 1; } #CKFOMAN-floatbtn:hover{ border: solid 3px black; transition: opacity .3s 0s, background .3s, color .3s, left .3s, border .3s; background: white; color: black; opacity: 1; left: -5px; } #CKFOMAN-floatbtn.hide{ left: -40px; } @keyframes CKFOMAN-tipsOut{ 5%,95%{ opacity: 1; left: 20px; } 0%,100%{ left: -20px; opacity: 0; } } `, "CKFOMAN-floatbtn-css", "unique"); const toggle = document.createElement("div"); toggle.id = "CKFOMAN-floatbtn"; toggle.innerHTML = ``; toggle.onclick = () => createMainWindow(); document.body.appendChild(toggle); } const startInject = () => { if(!unsafeWindow.FoManPlugins){ unsafeWindow.FoManPlugins = {} } initModal(); // unsafeWindow.addEventListener("message", event => { // if (!event.data) return; // if (!(event.data instanceof String)) return; // if (event.data.startsWith("CKFOMANSTATUSCHANGES|")) { // log(event.data) // const parts = event.data.split("|"); // setToggleStatus(parts[1], parts[2] === "1"); // } // }) injectSideBtn(); if (cfg.debug) { unsafeWindow.CKFOMAN_DBG = { cfg, datas } } unsafeWindow.openFollowManager = forceRefetch=>createMainWindow(forceRefetch); }; startInject(); })();